Monthly Archives: October 2005

Is peace possible?

The Lebanese are trying to rid themselves of terrorists Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment


A new term for self-hating Jews Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 12 Comments


Site stuff Continue reading

Posted in Site news | Comments Off on Things

Iran’s slap on the wrist

World outrage doesn’t mean squat if there is no action behind it Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The Exception Clause | Comments Off on Iran’s slap on the wrist

Egypt fails border patrol

Egypt is not stopping terrorists from entering Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The job hunt continues

Help Meryl find a job, II. Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 1 Comment

Cats and Jews, Jews and cats

The latest Carnival of the Jews, Haveil Havalim, is up. So is the latest Carnival of the Cats.

Posted in Linkfests | 2 Comments

Reading the fine print

Terror organizations don’t really want peace Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment


Got the bastard who sent the latest suicide bomber Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Random thought

Exactly what does it take to make a crow blush?

Posted in Meanderings | 3 Comments

Derision in the AP

More media bias Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Anti-Israel media bias: Lack of Context Dept.

The media lies by omission on why Israel is clamping down on terrorists Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Terrorism | 5 Comments

This has been an interesting week

More job stuff Continue reading

Posted in Life | Comments Off on This has been an interesting week

It’s all job-hunting for now

Not much time to blog Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 4 Comments


Update on the job search Continue reading

Posted in Life | Comments Off on Update