1,000th comment

The Doctor posted the 1,000th comment since this blog went WordPress.

Okay, it’s a silly milestone, but a milestone nonetheless, and it is the Doc’s.

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5 Responses to 1,000th comment

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Sorry, but I think that you are wrong. The 1000th comment was this one

    by Laurence Simon on November 21st, 2005 at 10:47 am

    Houston is 9th most dangerous big city while Round Rock Texas is one of the safest.

    When Hosuton Astros players get sent to the minors, it’s usually to the Round Rock Express.

    I guess it’s for the safety of the players.

  2. Nope. The system counts the actual number of comments in the database. There are some comments that were deleted without being approved, but the pointers/number is not reused in database programming. For that same reason, the number on any one of my posts will not necessarily match the number of posts I have written to date.

    I’m not counting deleted comments.

    And apparently, my guess on the system’s counting methods is wrong. This comment is number 1034 or something like that, yet I haven’t gotten 34 comments since the Doc’s.

  3. The Doctor says:

    I am honored that I may have the 1000th comment; if I knew, I wouldn’t have wasted it on Sonny…

    If someone seriously disputes the count, it’s okay with me; I recently won a more important contest when I finished chemo and radiation safely and with no more disease…

  4. That is fantastic news, Doc. Shall I tell the rabbi to take you out of the r’fuah shleima list?

  5. The Doctor says:

    I benched gomeil last Shabbat, so I can come off the list. He’s out of town today but certainly leave a message for him!

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