Propaganda at its finest

A tale of two schoolchildren: First, let’s see the latest palestinian propaganda move about the big, bad Israelis being mean to palestinian children:

Palestinian schoolteachers taught pupils in the road outside an Israel Defense Forces checkpoint in the West Bank city of Hebron on Wednesday to protest what they consider to be unnecessarily intrusive searches of the children on their way to school.

IDF soldiers search bags and make children lift their shirts before passing through the checkpoint on the way to school. The IDF says the high-tech checkpoint, which includes metal detectors and an X-ray scanner, is in an area where militant activity has been high.

About 200 children and 10 teachers began protesting at the checkpoint at 7 a.m. Some took part in the classes, and dozens of others tried to burst through the checkpoint, but soldiers shoved them bac.

No injuries were reported.

Pupils carried signs reading, “We have the right to learn,” We have the right to pass to our school,” and “We want to go to school.” Others carried posters of the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

Oh, those mean Israelis! Stopping palestinian schoolchildren from learning! Cruel! Inhuman! Horrible!

Well, maybe not. Let’s take a look at the reason the IDF stopped this palestinian schoolchild:

“I stood next to the metal detector at the checkpoint. A 16-year-old Palestinian youth arrived, looking frightened. He approached me, carrying a bag which looked like a school bag,” he said.

“I opened one of the zippers and saw two improvised pipes. I became suspicious, opened the other zipper and found two improvised handguns. We immediately closed the checkpoint, removed the people and dispatched sappers to the scene,” he added.

Zavatsky said that the boy looked frightened and did not say a word.

Interesting things palestinian schoolkids are packing in their backpacks these days, hm? Perhaps the soldiers have reasons for searching those backpacks, after all.

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2 Responses to Propaganda at its finest

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Pupils carried signs reading, “We have the right to learn,” We have the right to pass to our school,” and “We want to go to school.”

    The right to learn to hate Jews, deny Jews the right to self-determination, and the rights of Jews to live in peace?

    I think not.

  2. Cynic says:

    How many times were kids involved in bomb running if not actually wearing a bomb belt of which there were at least two, one within the last month.
    How many times were ambulances used to ferry arms and explosives hidden under the stretchers of the “sick”, apart from “combatants” on them?
    How many women have been caught with bombs under their clothes, under their babies and in their baby carriages?

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