Neurotic cats redux

I’m going to include the more option here for those of you who are a) uninterested in news of my cats and b) have weak stomachs. Well, it’s not really all that gross, but I will be discussing Tig and his vomiting problem.

When last we left the Tig, he was vomiting almost on a daily basis, sometimes twice in one day, and we actually got the vet to prescribe Valium in the hopes that it would calm Tig down. I had no hope that Tig would get better over the Thanksgiving weekend, and when I left, I gave Heidi instructions on what to do if he had thrown up on the towel that I put in his corner (in the vain hope it would relax him into not licking himself compulsively).

I came home from New Jersey yesterday and searched in every room for cat puke. No signs. Nothing on the towel. Could Heidi have cleaned it up? That’s what I figured–until tonight, when she called me to apologize for forgetting to stop by and make sure the cats were all right. I can’t remember if he threw up on Tuesday, but we have five solid days of no cat puke in sight.

I am a happy camper.

I suspect Tig is just as happy.

He slept on my left again last night, and actually stayed in bed for a few moments after I got out of it. He is not licking himself compulsively. I think the sores on his back are healing. I took a look at them (and may I say: Ewww!), and also looked at the one under his chin. They appear to be healing nicely, and he’s been sleeping quietly on the sofa, not needing to be next to me, for two days now. Apparently, the black things I saw in his fur were parts of the scabs making their way through his fur, not flea dirt–but neither he nor Gracie are scratching as much, so I guess they did still have fleas. The Advantage or whatever took care of that.

So. I did not give Tig the Valium, because I wasn’t home to see the way it affected him. I was planning on giving it to him today, but there hasn’t been a need for it. He isn’t there yet, but he does seem to be on the mend.

And may I say: Phew. I was running out of paper towels.

And may I also say: It’s good to have a mostly-normal Tig back. I’ll know he’s fully normal when he goes back to sleeping on the other side of the bed instead of snuggling against my left side all night.

I really want my left arm back.

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3 Responses to Neurotic cats redux

  1. Piper had a few scabs along her neck from fighting with her new collar. She’ll get used to it as she always does.

  2. jeruguru says:

    Love your site.
    Is simply superb


  3. mythusmage says:

    I wonder, is agility training available for cats?

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