Monthly Archives: December 2005

Seventh night of Chanukah

Seventh light

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The legacy of Arafat

The terror bomb is the only invention Muslims have given the world recently Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 10 Comments

Hamas says: If elected, we’ll still destroy Israel

Hamas will still destroy Israeli if elected to public office Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

More holiday Jew-hatred

More menorahs vandalized across the nation and the world Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 4 Comments

Observations on a TV habit

Gilmore Girls Continue reading

Posted in Television | Comments Off on Observations on a TV habit

Sixth Night of Chanukah

Sixth light (which I lit in real life before Shabbat).

Posted in Holidays | 1 Comment

Song question

There was a song from the 1950s or 1960s that went on about how this girl had personality, then burst into something like “Plus she’s got a brand new car.” I can’t find it via Google because the words are … Continue reading

Posted in Parody | 5 Comments

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the web

Links to other places Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 1 Comment

Islamists’ worst nightmare: Jewish women with guns

The IDF has an all-female reserve unit Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Girl Talk, Israel | 2 Comments

Palestinian chaos watch

The Gaza Strip devolves some more Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Two sites down

First I get a bandwidth exceeded page over at Winds of Change. Now Israpundit has been suspended. WTF is going on out there? Update: Israpundit is asking for donations. It’s a bandwidth thing. If you have a few dollars, please … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 3 Comments

Fifth Light of Chanukah

Fifth light

Posted in Holidays | 2 Comments

The AP whitewashes terror again

The AP whitewashes palestinian terrorism again Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Al Qaeda is claiming a missile attack

Al Qaeda is claiming they sent missiles into Israel. If this is true, it was one of the most piss-poor Al Qaeda attacks ever. “The lion sons of al Qaeda launched … a new attack on the Jewish state by … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Media spin on the Quartet statement

The Quartet says no terrorists in PA politics Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Comments Off on Media spin on the Quartet statement