Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu lets his anti-Semitism show. But he also makes you wonder how on earth the man ever became a Christian archbishop, because I know more about Christianity than he appears to.
The European Union on Monday said that although it regretted the cartoons were “considered offensive” by Muslims, freedom of expression “is a fundamental right and an essential element of a democratic discourse.”
Opinions like that angered former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, who complained at the meeting that “we already have enough misunderstandings in our world today.”
“Insulting the beliefs and customs of people and religions is not freedom of speech. This is not only related to Islam. We must respect the beliefs of other nations and religions whether we believe in them or not. If we don’t believe or approve of them, we must challenge them through discussion and intellectual undertakings,” he said.
Actually, yes it is, schmuck. Freedom of speech is exactly the right to insult you, your Jew-hating nation, and your lying, hypocritical carcass. See? Protected speech, you Islamofascist.
Tutu noted that freedom of expression also came with some obligations.
“Imagine if the subject had been the Holocaust and it had been treated in a way that the Jews had deemed offensive and the reaction of the Danish government and international community had been as it is now,” he said.
You mean, like, say, the president of Iran saying the Holocaust was a “myth,” and having his biggest newspaper hold a contest to see who can make the most outrageous anti-Semitic — sorry, cartoon about the Holocaust? Or a British organization not only refusing to apologize for an anti-Semitic cartoon, but giving it a prize?
What happened in those cases? Various nations, people, or organizations lodged objections. Nobody rioted. Nobody burned any flags. Nobody died. Yeah, that’s some amazingly horrible reaction.
He lamented the negative stereotyping of Muslims and wondered why North Ireland’s Protestants and Catholics, the Oklahoma City bombers or even the Nazis had never been labeled “Christian terrorists.”
“Look at the Ku Klux Klan, who use a cross as their symbol and propagate hatred against others and encourage lynching. And yet we never hear someone say, ‘There’s an example of how Christianity encourages violence,'” Tutu said.
That’s because true Christians have long disavowed such tactics. Calling for violence against non-Christians isn’t a regular part of their Sunday sermons, unlike a certain “religion of peace” that fills the MEMRI servers with bile and hatred against all other religions. As a matter of fact, the KKK’s actions aren’t an example of Christianity at all, and for an Archbishop, you’re awfully ignorant of your own religion, not to mention of the Klan. They burned crosses on the lawns of Catholics, too. You know, fellow Christians? Your buds, the ones that made you an archbishop?
Wow, is Tutu that ignorant, or just stupid? Oh, it’s his anti-Western cultural imperialism, right? If it’s Western culture, you don’t need to learn it. Yeah, it must be that anti-Western bias showing through.
Because it certainly isn’t knowledge or intelligence. This guy was a bishop? A Christian bishop? You’re kidding me, right?
Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re not.
If blogging had been around during the anti-apartheid era Tute rode high, I’m sure he’d have had a few choice snippets that would make Jesse and Al look tame by comparison.
Is there an archive of Tutu-isms out there?
Tutu (is he a ballet dancer?) fits in well with the Church of England.
Like Arafat, El Baradei and Dhimmi got their Nobel Prizes;
Affirmative Action!
It appears that initially he was the Anglican Church’s ‘finger in the eye’ of the National Party which ruled South Africa at the time and then became the PC response to many years of English discrimination against Jews and Afrikaners (Prof. Chris Barnard was not welcome in a certain Cricket club in Cape Town until after he had performed the World’s first two heart transplants).
That’s all history now except that a demagogue has been elevated to near god status.
By the way Meryl, it would be nice to put the case of the South African Press cartoons over the past 5 years that have been so blatantly antisemitic, to him.
You can be sure not a peep was heard from him nor his co-religionists who are in the act of divesting from companies that do business with Israel.
He has defamed Israel by calling it an Apartheid state so one should question his knowledge of Apartheid but one knows that he is of the same ilk as Ken Livingstone..
I almost think that the media is actually telling us we should riot…we should cause mayhem….we should kill….then we would get the same respect as the Muslims…LOL STupid moonbats.
Tutu’s an Anglican which means he has no serious beliefs of any kind. Many of us who have spent most of our lives in the Anglican tradition are embarrassed as hell every time the old fraud opens his mouth.
Christopher Johnson strikes a responsive chord.Decades ago(when I was young_,Harper’s had a cover showing a woman in a clerical collar.the title of the article?”Trendier Than Thou.”