Moussaoui gets life in prison

Zacarias Moussaoui gets life in prison.

I think that was the correct verdict. He is clearly insane, and he lied about his role in the 9/11 plot.

Plus, he doesn’t get to be a martyr, which really pisses him off, I’m sure.

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16 Responses to Moussaoui gets life in prison

  1. Pingback: Hot Air » Blog Archive » Breaking: Verdict reached in Moussaoui sentencing

  2. Eric J says:

    Glad to see someone else in the blogosphere doesn’t think this is the end of Western Civilization.

    I’m squeamish about giving the death penalty to anyone who didn’t physically commit the murder themselves.

    And besides, this way there isn’t a decade and a half of appeals, giving him a soapbox every six months or so.

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  4. chsw says:

    I think that he should be placed in the general prison population. With luck, he will be beaten up every day by the other inmates for the rest of his pathetic life.

    When Moussaoui dies, may he be greeted by 72 old whores who all look like Yasser Arafat.


  5. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Life without possibility of parole was the right call.

    I can say with certainty, having made a part of my career with the federal prison system (and no, not as an inmate), that Moussaoui is not getting off easy.

  6. Lizzie says:

    It’s a shame he won’t be in the general population, though.

  7. Dan says:

    For those of you who think that he got the “right” sentence, what if we capture Osama, and he offers the EXACT SAME defense, and offers the EXACT SAME evidence about childhood problems and abuse, should Osama then recieve a life sentence, for that too would be “right” because of childhood abuse?

    What I see is a jury that found all the reasons necessary for a death sentence, but at the last minute, flinched from their obligations, and opted for a lesser sentence. What does this say about the willingness of the Champion of the West to wage war, to inflict casualties, and to sustain them. If we can’t find the moral fortitude to execute a member of the 9/11 plot, then who can we execute, how are we going to find the wherewithall for military actions that will result in death for many, and for collateral damage.

    This is an ominous sign, that the moral dry rot of the post-modern era is deep indeed.

  8. Gary Rosen says:

    Dan, you’re way over the top here (“moral dry-rot”??). I’m disappointed he didn’t get the DP but he wasn’t a central conspirator either. I just hope now he really gets deep-sixed in some maximum-security prison and we don’t hear every six months from some left-wing lawyers trying to spring him. I’m happy to have him live out the rest of his miserable life in a little hole somewhere as long as we don’t have to hear from him any more.

  9. Gary Rosen says:

    Looks like I spoke too soon. According to LGF, his family is already lawyered up and even worse (though characteristically) France is offering him consular protection. Now I really wish they fried him.

  10. chsw says:

    I hope that the Departments of Justice and State have enough testicles to say non to any French requests for repatriation until they bring back the guillotine for Moussaoui.

    To further embarrass France, let’s remember that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexico’s victory over France.


  11. Jack says:

    I am also happy to see someone in my preferred side of the blogosphere who agrees with the verdict.

    I’m predominantly opposed to the death penalty. I do think in some cases it is warranted, but enough mistakes have been made in the past that I’d prefer that even those who deserve it (IMHO) are not put to death. I’d rather keep alive 100 criminals who deserve death than kill one innocent man.

    Having said that, I *do* think this monster deserves death. But I’d rather he not be allowed to become a martyr. And I’d rather he not get all of the automatic appeals that a death sentence requires.

    Throw him in the general population. If he wants to pray, let him pray. If he wants a rug, give him a rug. Let him get the same resources that any common criminal would get. No more, no less. Same showers, same cell, same guards, same emergency room medical care.

  12. Thomas Jackson says:

    If this man didn’t deserve the death penalty then who does? Who can have any confidence in the jury system as it now exits?

  13. The Doctor says:

    “If this man didn’t deserve the death penalty then who does?”
    His crime, other than being “part of the conspiracy” was not telling the authorities something they didn’t ask. The theory was if he had volunteered information then they might have prevented the attack.

    Assuming that’s true, then his crime was not incriminating himself. For a citizen, that would be using the death penalty as punishment for invoking the Fifth Amendment.
    I believe strongly that life in prison without parole is appropriate for this pathetic excuse for a psychotic; the death penalty in this situation would not only be wrong but set a very dangerous precedent for executing people not for an action, but for speech [or lack thereof].

    And I also remind myself that the name of the game is justice, not revenge.

  14. Dan says:

    No Doctor.

    His crime was being part of a conspiracy to inflict mass death. In fact his actions rose beyond crime, and assumed the trappings of an act of war.

    He’s way beyond crime, and he’s way beyond ordinary conspiracy, such as to knock over a bank, or engage in credit card fraud.

    It doesn’t get any more serious than what he was involved in.

    And it would be wise to recall, they weren’t looking to kill 3,000, they had to think that would be a way too low estimate. They were looking to slaughter about 25,000 to 35,000, all in a single morning.

    They took down two iconic structures of American capitalism, attempted to decapitate America’s military, and intended to crash an aircraft through the Capitol Dome. Their attack resulted in ripping over a TRILLION DOLLARS from the American economy, threw the foremost industrialized economy on earth into a recession, threw many into the ranks of unemployment, and precipitated a world wide economic slow down, and for some, a recession.

    This was serious stuff. This was way beyond crime.

    This guy deserves death.

    I don’t see how we can apply the ordinary formulas for conspiracy to him.

  15. Can’t we be multicultural and cut his hands off?

  16. The Doctor says:

    No Dan.

    What he was convicted of [not necessarily the same as what he did] was “not giving the FBI information that they might have used to prevent the attacks.” He was NOT convicted of taking down iconic structures, or trying to kill thousands, or even killing a flight attendant. He was convicted of not telling the FBI what he knew.
    And I still have issues with considering the death penalty for not saying something. Death penalty for flying a plane into a building YES. Charge him with THAT and convict him of THAT. Death penalty for not telling the FBI “I know something” I don’t buy…

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