Monthly Archives: July 2006

Bad pun alert

This one is a four-alarmer.

Posted in Bloggers, Humor | 2 Comments

Why the internet rocks

I’ve known this for years, but every so often, I have to just grin and shake my head about how cool the internet really is. Last week, I had a conversation with someone in Australia and London. A few days … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

More thank-you notes

Thanks again to all those who have been hitting the tipjars. It is much appreciated, particularly as I’m between jobs (as they say) at the moment. Wow, even Kelly has nothing for me. It’s pretty dead right now.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

This week’s podcast: A transcript

This week’s podcast transcript Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Podcasts | 32 Comments

Site news

Upgrading the site Continue reading

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Zionist War Llamas

I’m sure this is going to send Ingrid Newkirk of PETA off the deep end: Israeli newspapers carried pictures of South American llamas accompanying commandos out of southern Lebanon, their saddlebags full of fighting gear. Yedioth Ahronoth daily quoted a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Monday war snark

Monday war snarky briefs Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Status report

Cats doesn’t make memories Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Two things Meryl wanted me to share with y’all

Meryl tasked me to post these yesterday, but I was busy with the grill cooking things I shouldn’t be cooking. Yesterday’s gone, so today’s what I’ve got to work with: Carnival of the Cats is at The Scratching Post, courtesy … Continue reading

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Blogging will be light today

I’m not coming back online. Woke up this morning with numbness in my left arm again. Rest and relaxation is the order for today. I’m going to the movies, and I’ll be off to Heidi’s this afternoon. Turning off the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments

Bumper stickers for Israel

Sarah’s got ’em. Want more information on Israel? Then check out today’s Haveil Havalim, which has tons of posts by Jewish and Israeli bloggers.

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The terror in Seattle: Worse than you thought

More on the terrorist attack on Jews in Seattle Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Mel Gibson: In vino veritas

Mel Gibson comes out—as a Jew-hater Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 13 Comments

Get Tal to post again

Come back, Tal. We miss you. Everybody click that link. Tell Tal to start posting again. Now if we only Gil would come back….

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | Comments Off on Get Tal to post again

The Bagel Blogger: All things video

If you’re not checking out Aaron’s site, you are missing some major-league inspiring videos. I’d very much like to know the singer’s name. And if a CD is available.

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | 4 Comments