Israel is gunning for the ISM

Israeli police will be ready and waiting to arrest and deport any ISM “peace” advocate who uses the typical ISM tactics to disrupt Israeli authorities.

The Israel Police is taking a tough stance against the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which is planning a series of protests against the separation fence over the next month. The main policy decision includes the immediate deportation of violent protestors, without waiting for the full investigation of an indictment. The police recently decided to renew the guidelines regarding the questioning of Knesset members and public figures, in the event they join the demonstrations and break the law in doing so.

[…] The organization is planning widespread protests in the West Bank throughout the coming month in the Bili’in and Tel Rumeida areas, and perhaps others as well, as part of their “Summer of Peace.” Previous ISM demonstrations have turned into violent confrontations during which activists broke through Israel Defense Forces checkpoints, entered prohibited areas and tangled with Israeli security forces.

In light of previous incidents in which ISM activists have assaulted IDF soldiers and police officers, the Israel Police Investigations and Intelligence Division decided to adopt a “zero tolerance” policy. In addition to deporting lawbreakers, activists suspected of serious violence against security personnel or IDF property will be prosecuted.

Best build up those bail funds now, ISM creeps. The Israeli authorities will be waiting for you.

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4 Responses to Israel is gunning for the ISM

  1. Harry says:

    How about a water cannon truck or two? Even more amusing would be a load of indelible dye delivered at freezing temperatures!

  2. Eric J says:

    I think they should hold them for a few days before deportation.

    In specially built facilities in Sderot and Ashkelon.

  3. Yehudit says:

    I wrote a long post about the people behind the ISM.

  4. pat says:

    I’d strip them of all ID and dump them in a typical Arab neighborhood in Palestinian territory. If they get out alive, send ’em home.

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