Monthly Archives: September 2006

More dreams – liberals vs. conservatives

The best way to sell newspapers is by producing noisy headlines – this is commonplace. Sometimes, though, zeal of the editor may lead to a headline that really does not do justice to the article it leads. Take this one, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 10 Comments

I can’t! No more, says Manuel II.

It was gloomy and quiet in the emperor’s palace in Constantinople since the evening of September 26, when the mail pigeon with a message from the Ottoman Sultan arrived. The message reader clerk that was summoned by His Majesty to … Continue reading

Posted in Parody, Religion | 2 Comments

An open letter to a comments troll

Dear troll, I know this is a difficult concept for you to wrap your brain around, because it is obvious that your Mommy and Daddy told you otherwise, but the world does not revolve around you. The fact that you … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 9 Comments

Muslim sizeism?

Sheikh: All must convert to Islam Under this misleading headline Ynet published an article that may contain the answer to the question that bothers many a thinker these days: why cannot Muslim world accept the unending series of apologies from … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Satire | 4 Comments

Your daily dose of AP media bias

So, let’s see if we can parse this article. 2 People Killed By Israeli Army in Gaza Ohmigod! The IDF killed two people for no reason? JERUSALEM (AP) – Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip on … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 2 Comments

World opinion protects mass-murderer

According to the AP, Hassan Nasrallah, the chipmunk-cheeked fat slug that leads Hezbullah, is under the world’s protection—so the IDF is backing off its plans to assassinate him. Why? Because world opinion would be against Israel for killing the man … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

The new guardian of Mulham Assir, the spitting cobra

The high holidays carry with them a high probability of all kind of supernatural phenomena. There is that special feeling of the air being charged by expectation of some otherworld spirit showing itself to mere mortals and pointing out to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Satire | 2 Comments

Another apartheid wall!

The Saudis are going to build an apartheid wall on their border with Iraq. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates Sep 27, 2006 (AP)— Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with plans to build a fence to block terrorists from crossing its 560-mile … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, World | 4 Comments

Survivors of the Holocaust that wasn’t

The Babi Yar massacre gives meaning to the word massacre Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 1 Comment

Further adventures in Meryl’s brain

The further adventures of Meryl in Neurology-land Continue reading

Posted in Life | 12 Comments

No winners in the blame game

The flare-up around the interview Clinton gave to Chris Wallace is called a controversy for some reason. I strongly suspect that it is deliberately being made to look like one – to let the mass media have a field day. … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Terrorism | 9 Comments

The cobloggers of

I’ve been a little busy of late, what with the new job, a new year teaching Hebrew school, and other obligations. So my cobloggers, and especially Snoopy the Goon and Lair Simon, have really stepped in and taken up the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 9 Comments

So where do you get off?

Let’s assume, for the purpose of the discussion, that you have written an article where: You declare that Israel today has “the purest Revisionist government in its history“. You forget to mention that the same people who are in government … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

palestinian civil war watch

More fireworks: Thousands of Fatah supporters staged an anti-Hamas march Friday amid growing tension between the political rivals. The marchers, led by hundreds of gunmen firing in the air, chanted slogans against Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Foreign Minister Mahmoud … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

John Howard: You go, boy

John Howard tells the Arabs to accept the reality that is Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments