Monthly Archives: October 2006

Ohmigod it’s TRAIF!

This one’s a hoot. BERLIN (AP) – A truck spilled two tons of pigs’ heads on a road in western Germany, giving passing drivers a shock on the night before Halloween, police said Tuesday. The accident happened Monday night after … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 5 Comments

UN mapping Shebaa Farms: Toldja so

Yes, I called it in my last post: The UN is working on ways to screw Israel. UNITED NATIONS, Oct 30 (Reuters) – U.N. cartographers are working at “full speed” to define where the disputed Shebaa Farms between Syria and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Brief Snarks

But they never hurt anyone, really: You know those “crude, home-made rockets” that the media keep on yammering about? The ones that “rarely kill or hurt anyone”? Well, turns out that over the past two years, they’ve hurt over 300 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Stop the world, I want to get off

You know, I always liked the title of that play. I also always liked the title of the play “Oh Dad Poor Dad Momma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling so Bad.” I have no idea what either … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Haveil Havalim #91 is UP!

Haveil Havalim #91 is up at Sweet Rose. Stop and read the roses.Thanks again, Meryl!

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Gracie update 14: Back for the biopsy

Well, I took Gracie to another vet today for a second opinion. I now have absolutely zero faith in my current vets. Second vet said I have to get the biopsies done, and they need to be surgical. The works, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Vet question

I’m trying to find another vet that performs endoscopies in the Richmond, VA area. I know of two clinics that will charge me well over $1,000. Can’t afford that. Does anyone know how I can find out which vets in … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

What media bias?

Count the number of times that the words “hardliner” and “Avigdor Lieberman” will be used from now until he is no longer a part of the Olmert government. I’ve never seen him described as anything but. Israel Cabinet to integrate … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 2 Comments

Carnival of the Cats #136

Carnival of the Cats #136 is celebrating Halloween with a spooktacular roundup brewed in the kettle over at Watermark, which based on the Poet’s excellent track record I’m thinking out to be the go-to place for all holiday editions at … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

This week’s SNN is up

The Robert Spencer two-parter on Shire Network News is over, but the reports on Jew-hatred continue with tales of the anti-Semitism at UC-Irvine, also featured at CampusJ. UC-Irvine, where the president of the university said—yes, really—“One person’s hate speech is … Continue reading

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The rewards of teaching

Earlier this year, the first of my first class of fourth grade students began having their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. There’s a post sitting in the spike file of my thoughts from the first Bar Mitzvah, because I couldn’t get … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 12 Comments

Good Israel news? Not sexy.

The AP sent out an article that describes a good dividend of the Hezbullah war, and it will probably not be running in your local paper. On Israeli border, a surprising optimism METULLA, Israel — For years, whenever Asher Greenberg … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

Sunday smiles

Say hello to Peekaboo Gracie, all happy in her tissue-paper nest. (Tissue paper compliments of Sarah a.k.a. the Pumpkin Goddess.) She ate and ate and ate Saturday. It took a few hours for the steroids and anti-emetic to kick in, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Israel | 17 Comments

Gracie update 13

Minor setback today. She seemed nauseous again, and would pick up a piece of food but spit it out, or hang with her nose in the food dish and not eat. She has lost a lot of weight—at least a … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Hey, what happened to that post?

The one that Lair Simon posted about Jimmy Webb? I deleted it. Sorry, but it’s not suitable for my weblog. It’s over on his if you care to read it. Okay, it was there, but now it’s not. At least, … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments