Monthly Archives: November 2006


This is interesting: A swift cannon developed in the United States managed to intercept replicas of Qassam rockets during an experiment designed to test its ability to operate on the Gaza border. The anti-Qasam system is developed by an American … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 8 Comments

Video links

Omri wants to know why this search term showed up on his blog. I have nothing to hide, as I am famously camera-shy. There are some early eight-millimeters in existence of me at my cousins’ parties, but unless you want … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Linkfests | 2 Comments

What the AP won’t tell you Ahmadinejad said

The Associated Press whitewashes our enemies, and Israel’s enemies, on a regular basis. Case in point: Ahmadinejad’s letter to America. What the AP published: In Wednesday’s letter, he said, “we, like you, are aggrieved by the ever-worsening pain and misery … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran | 1 Comment

A different kind of news

I’m tired of depressing world events, how ’bout you? Well, the world is going to the dogs. So is this post. The Nanny State in the U.K. brought animal cruelty charges against a two men who overfed their dog. Rusty, … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

Dear America: Letters from Mahmoud

Our favorite Jew-hater, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has written a letter to Americans that will be released later today. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait! Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to the American people that will … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Comments Off on Dear America: Letters from Mahmoud

Syria – the bloody game continues

This is, purportedly, a Hebrew translation of an article in Al Mustaqbal newspaper (there is no link to the original article, so I am guessing that this is the link and will be grateful for a confirmation from any Arabic-reading … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 3 Comments

Tummy Tuesday

Lair reminded me that it’s Tummy Tuesday, time to show off our catbellies. Tig has quite the belly to show off, too, as you can see in this series of shots. Here, Tig’s fast asleep. Two hours laters, Tig’s still … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Michael Richards: Not a Jew.

Toldja so. He’s not Jewish. Which makes him even more of a bigot, what with now also being charged with anti-Semitic rants as well. Last week, crisis-management expert Howard Rubenstein acknowledged that Richards had shouted anti-Semitic remarks in an April … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture, Religion | 2 Comments

The Israel-only cease-fire

I swear, you could recycle my posts. Just look back in my archives to find the exact same thing. Okay, so a cease-fire is declared for Sunday. Terrorists launch rockets into Israel an hour after it was supposed to take … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Ceasefire – the travesty continues

Palestinian lawmaker Saeb Erekat on Monday condemned a Qassam rocket strike on Israel from Gaza earlier in the day, but said that the day-old cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians “can work, and I believe we have to make it … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Use “defenestrate” in a headline

You can tell the guy who wrote this really, really, really wanted to use the word “defenestrate.” Police suspect Hadera woman was defenestrated By JPOST.COM STAFF A woman in her 30s was listed in moderate to serious condition on Monday … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 7 Comments

Anti-Semitic attacks up in Australia

Here’s a story with the wonderful news that an off-duty policeman attacked an Orthodox Jew on the streets of Melbourne. Nice. The softly spoken Melbourne businessman, an orthodox Jew, was walking along a street in his East St Kilda neighbourhood … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Media Bias | 1 Comment

FFIPP-International: another bunch of useful… scientists

(It’s no use telling self to limit the surfing to places self already knows. Self seems to be incorrigible.) And so it happened that I have stumbled upon another interesting bunch of people that call themselves (a bit pompously to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The cease-fire and the olive branch: pals flip Israel the bird

So let’s see what the cease-fire and Olmert’s major concession speech have wrought: Hamas says they’re going to kidnap more Israeli soldiers. And why wouldn’t they? Look what kidnapping Gilad Shalit has done: It’s gotten Israel to offer them a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

UN Human Wrongs Council: A perfect anti-Israel record

Even the AP has noticed the council’s anti-Israel bias. The UN Human Rights Council on Monday passed two resolutions criticizing Israel, but kept its record intact of singling out no other country for human rights abuses. The 47-nation council, which … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments