Monthly Archives: December 2006

Carnival of the Cats #145

Carnival of the Cats finishes the year with its 145th episode, heading to Watermark. The BlogDiva has rounded up quite an extravaganza for us to enjoy as the hours tick down. Let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… Why, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

The last post of the year for you

(And thanks to WP’s scheduler, I’m not even going to be home when it posts.) From my friend Gerard, 50 things that we know now that we didn’t know last year. Some excerpts, with snark, of course: 2. The part … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

We lost; do you give up yet?

That is, as far as I can tell, the Arab attitude towards Israel. Read this interview with a Syrian journalist, and you have to wonder at the utter sense of entitlement these people feel; even more than us entitled Americans. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Kassams stopped prisoner release

Ehud Olmert is finally showing some sense. Herb Keinon says that the continuous rocket fire (eleven more on Friday, for instance) from Gaza is what stopped the release of palestinian prisoners. The continued firing of Kassam rockets on the western … Continue reading

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When Al Jazeera meets B’Tselem

The folks in B’Tselem are very nice, I am sure. Their souls bleed for every person hurt in this world, only on one condition – that the person not be Jewish. You see, Jooz are out of scope of this … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on When Al Jazeera meets B’Tselem

Catblogger in need of our help

Mog needs our help. Just as y’all lent a hand to Meryl when Gracie was sick, Mog needs our help after being sick herself. Update from Meryl: And please pass the word around.

Posted in Cats | Comments Off on Catblogger in need of our help

On Brits in Mecca

Young Muslims alienated at home find solace at Haj The histrionics start with the headline, and there is no special need to continue reading this article by Arifa Akbar. Still, a few more sentences could not harm: Yashir Nawab could … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Religion | 4 Comments

Saddam video

Yeah, I know, this is going to get me a zillion search hits, but I found it over on YouTube. I knew I would. For the faint-hearted. Trust me when I tell you that everyone will be able to watch … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl, Humor | 1 Comment

pals mourn Saddam; gee, what a shock

The community of terrorists, terrorist sympathizes, and terror sponsors, to whom Saddam Hussein paid a bounty of at least $25,000 per suicide bomber, is mourning the death of their patron. Color me unsurprised, as these are also the people who … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Saddam Hangman haiku

Saddam is hanging He did some very bad things Hussein, meet Hangman. The clock is ticking Today is Saddam’s death day There won’t be presents Join in, folks! Update: Saddam is dead now It’s Tuna for Terrorists! The cats are … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 120 Comments

Friday catblogging

Tig was picture-perfect posing this afternoon, so I took a few shots of him. I’ve got that ruff shot I promised, but I can’t decide which is the better one. So I’m giving you both, and you can decide for … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

So, how about those Yankees?

Whenever my friends and I were tired of talking about a subject (often after a serious discussion), someone would say, “So, how about those Yankees?” It was code for “Change the subject, this is boring/depressing/over with.) Scanned the news today. … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 8 Comments

Make that 1 to 3 days for Saddam

They’re gonna hang him on Sunday. Or maybe even today. Now I do want a Javascript clock. Dang, can’t find my old bookmarks. Can we get a chorus of “Na na na na Hey Hey Goodbye,” please?

Posted in Evil Meryl, World | 15 Comments

Fluffy kitty post

The world is too depressing, but Tig and Gracie aren’t. This first picture is a shot of Tig who, moments before, was sitting up in an Edloe-like position. He has a very strange (and annoying) habit of actually pulling the … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 9 Comments

Haveil Havalim #99 is UP!

Me-Ander calls it the End of an Era; no more 2 digit numbered Haveil Havalim. (Of course for those who use Roman Numerals, things are getting a whole lot easier, aren’t they?) Read about: The restoration of Barcelona’s Jewish Quarter. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Miscellaneous, Religion | 1 Comment