Flying pig moment

It looks like the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Holocaust denial may pass.

The United Nations General Assembly is expected to condemn Holocaust denial on Friday. Eighty-two countries have signed as co-sponsors. Additional countries are expected to sign in the next 24 hours, including Arab countries who have announced that they would vote in favor of the resolution.

[…] The Israeli mission is hoping that a majority of at least 104 countries will support the resolution, as in the historical vote of November 1, 2005, designating January 27 as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The second International Holocaust Day will be commemorated next Monday.

The vote was initiated in reaction to remarks made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, calling the Holocaust a “myth” and expressing skepticism regarding its historic facts, and to the “scientific conference” about the Holocaust that took place in Tehran several weeks ago.

More to follow tomorrow, after the vote.

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2 Responses to Flying pig moment

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    How nice. Once they vote to denounce Holocaust Denial they can get back to the more congenial task of acting as enablers of those who want to produce a second Holocaust. When is the next Durban-style “Anti-racism” Conference for denouncing the Jews going to be held?

  2. Gary Rosen says:

    At least there aren’t too many Jews signing the resolution:

    Did you think there wasn’t anything left that could make you despise Jew-baiting Jimmy Carter more? Think again.

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