Monthly Archives: January 2007

World anti-Semitism up again

Gee, that’s funny. I thought worldwide anti-Semitism was going down. Actually, no, I didn’t. It’s other people who seem to believe that attacks on Jews—for being Jews—are lessening. In fact, it is the opposite: They are up sharply in many … Continue reading

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Despicable sub-humans strike again, killing Jews

The sub-human death cult murdered three more Israelis today, this time in the seaside town of Eilat, known best for its beaches and resorts. The bombing was claimed by PIJ, which is supported by Iran, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

His mother and father prayed for him to succeed…

You would place a sentence like this quite naturally in some article about a sports event. Or about a career in arts, crafts, science. But in this case mom and dad prayed for their son, one Mohammed Faisal al-Saqsaq from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Carnival Of The Cats #149

Carnival of the Cats #149 is over at the place most people think of first when catblogging: Mind Of Mog! Mog is going through some tough times and doctor-enforced downtime, so you might want to take a moment to hit … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Too many Jews…

Ynet is telling about a newly discovered Jimboism: Former US President Jimmy Carter once complained there were “too many Jews” on the government’s Holocaust Memorial Council, Monroe Freedman, the council’s former executive director, told WND in an exclusive interview. Former … Continue reading

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Shire Network News is up

This week’s podcast features me talking about the most important part of the State of the Union Address: Nancy Pelosi’s boobs. Yes, really. There’s also part two of the Mark Steyn interview, Damian Penny on the portrayal of Muslims in … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

Music/audio question

My niece is applying to a music camp that requires audition tapes/CDs. The audition was recorded onto a computer via a microphone of so-so quality, using Audacity. Is there anyone out there who is a good hand at cleaning up … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

The media spin on the war in Gaza

Things are heating up in Gaza. And the media spin is getting more noticeable. The AP simply downplays the killing: Hamas, Fatah Exchange Fire in Gaza Gunmen exchanged fire near Gaza City’s Islamic University on Saturday, killing two men on … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Even Ha’aretz recognizes the Iranian threat

When even Ha’aretz, the most liberal newspaper in Israel, recognizes the Iranian threat, one must declare Iran a threat. The international community failed embarrassingly in its handling of the slaughter in Rwanda, and it is now having trouble dealing with … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

License to kill Iranians in Iraq

The Bush Administration has authorized our troops to kill or capture Iranians in Iraq. The Bush administration has authorized the U.S. military to kill or capture Iranian operatives inside Iraq as part of an aggressive new strategy to weaken Tehran’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Iran’s influence on Iraq

Suddenly, the news media are discovering that Iran is meddling in Iraq. Who knew? (Well, we did, but then, our opinions don’t count because we believe the war in Iraq was necessary.) When Fadhil Abbas determined that his mother’s astigmatism … Continue reading

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Nobel prize winner Israel Aumann on Zionism

Nobel Prize Laureate Israel Aumann, the game theorist, spoke at the Herzliya conference. Here’s the part of his speech that speaks directly to Zionism, and the threat of “post-Zionism”: … and now a few words about a third threat, which … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Iranians supplying IEDs to Iraq

Today, we start out in Iran’s proxy war against America, via IEDs in Iraq. The story has the usual caveats that the Bush Administration may be “exaggerating” the Iranian influence. Why is the Bush administration escalating its accusations that Iran … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 2 Comments

Site changes

Thanks to Jay the genius, who troubleshot my attempts at changing the Loop (it’s the be-all and end-all of any WordPress blog) you can see a next/previous/main link at the bottom of every post, after the comments. It must be … Continue reading

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Flying pig moment

It looks like the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Holocaust denial may pass. The United Nations General Assembly is expected to condemn Holocaust denial on Friday. Eighty-two countries have signed as co-sponsors. Additional countries are expected to sign in the … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 2 Comments