Monthly Archives: February 2007

Fifty things about me, part 4

Part one. Part two. Part three. Part five. Part six. Readers, it has been nearly a year since my last Fifty Things post. I blame, uh, me. 26. I love kids. I like them from the age of one day … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 10 Comments

Once more, with bias

The Reuters version: Israel kills Islamic Jihad commanders in W.Bank Near Jenin’s refugee camp, an Israeli undercover unit ambushed a car in which Ashraf al-Saadi, described by Islamic Jihad as a commander in its armed wing in the West Bank, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Lemony Snicket’s Judaism

An interview with Daniel Handler in Moment magazine, in which we discover the Baudelaires are Jewish. Has the series been influenced by Jewish history? I think there is something naturally Jewish about unending misery, yes. I mean, I guess naturally … Continue reading

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We love the internet

Because the CW in Richmond pre-empted the Gilmore Girls two weeks ago, and we never got around to finding the episode on YouTube, and if they ran it a different night, we couldn’t find out, because, well, season seven is … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 3 Comments

The French and the Jews: plus ça change…

…plus c’est la même chose. Yes, it’s the same old story. Only worse. The number of anti-Semitic incidents in France jumped sharply in 2006, lifted by attacks following the brutal murder of a young Jew at the start of the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 2 Comments

IDF leaves Nablus, which it invaded for no reason: AP

If you were to read this story, you’d really wonder what the hell Nablus had done to deserve being invaded by the IDF. The Israeli army pulled its troops and armored vehicles out of the West Bank city of Nablus … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 1 Comment

Study finds today’s college kids are spoiled brats

Or words to that effect. Today’s college students are more narcissistic and self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and American society. “We … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture | 5 Comments

Bat-you-know-what crazy

I told you they’re batshit crazy. Iran’s president said on Sunday the country’s enemies had hatched a range of plots to push the Islamic Republic to give up its disputed nuclear programme, including driving up the price of tomatoes and … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 7 Comments

Politically incorrect suggestions to a dying man

Louis Farrakhan may be dying of prostate cancer, but he’s going out the same anti-Semite he’s always been. “Farrakhan may have held his anti-Semitic views in check while on the dais, but if this is what he wants people to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 6 Comments

The lightness of posting

That would be due to my new contracting position. Although I am working from home, I’m finding it’s just as difficult to turn 24 hours into 30. Go figure.

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This week’s Shire Network News

Not even labor pains could stop SNN from going up. Mostly because Brian of London wasn’t the one in labor. And I can’t wait until he reads what I just wrote. Go. Listen. I guess we’re in the middle of … Continue reading

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Co-opting the language, Hamas style

I’ve written before how the palestinians make it a habit of taking the terms and descriptions used by and for Israel (such as the Israeli Law of Return changed to the palestinian “right of return”) and co-opting them for the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

Day by Day

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, Chris Muir is back from his embed in Iraq. And Zed is going back to Iraq as part of the Special Forces. Oh. And Sam is pregnant. Things happen so fast … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture | 2 Comments

Yes, it’s been quiet

Been tired and busy. More later. Especially if I wind up watching the Oscars.

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The hunt for terrorists

Remember that smashing success Ethiopian forces had encountering the jihadists in Somalia? Well, it seems that those people who reported that U.S. Special Forces were the key to the success were right. The American military quietly waged a campaign from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 12 Comments