Talk amongst yourselves

Barring my co-bloggers putting up something new, this will be my last post until I get home from D.C. tonight. Through the magic of scheduling, I wrote it last night before I went to bed. So you have to go back in time [insert cheesy flashback music here] to read it.

Tig just chased off the Maine Coon interloper who seems intent on trying to take over Tig’s territory, in spite of being chased off by Tig several times, and by me several times (the last time with water). I ran outside the second I heard the yowling, found Tig crouched down by his bushes, spread out and looking very big, growling and yowling and muttering. I talked him into coming inside. He is currently on top of the boxes in my closet, looking down, the ruler of all he surveys. And, I might add, looking mightily pleased with himself.

Tig on comic boxes

That’s an old picture, but you get the idea. He’ll probably sleep there most of the night.

In any case, my plans are to have dinner with my friends again, and possibly meet up with Citizen Smash at the same time. That way I can wait out the D.C. rush hour and possibly even get home in time to watch Lost. If not, well, I’m taping it. No biggie.

So, talk amongst yourselves while I’m gone. Post any news tips you think I might like to write about.

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One Response to Talk amongst yourselves

  1. John Sheridan says:

    Hi “Cats:”

    My wife and I enjoyed seeing your cat “Tigs” posted! We too are cat fans. They help us de-stress after we read too much world news and the bashing of America and Israel by nations envious of us and our unity and
    strong belief in God.
    Cheers to your cat(s) from our cats
    John Sheridan
    Washington State

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