The definition of chutzpah

Khaled Mashaal, the man who should have been executed as a terrorist leader but instead is feted in Syria and other Israel-hating nations, has told Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, that the reason his son is still in the hands of terrorists is because Israel won’t give Hamas enough jailed terrorists as ransom for Gilad.

Yes, really.

Hamas’ politburo Khaled Mashaal on Friday accused Israel of deliberately hindering mediated talks with his group over the release of an Israeli soldier kidnapped near the Gaza Strip last June.

Speaking in Cairo after meetings with Egyptian officials about a possible prisoner exchange deal with Israel, Mashaal called on the soldier’s father, Noam Shalit, to exert pressure on the Israeli government to finalize a prisoner exchange deal.

Corp Gilad Shalit was kidnapped on June 25 last year in a cross border attack by gunmen from Hamas and other factions.

“Exert pressure on the Israeli side that is hindering the finalization of the deal,” he called on Noam Shalit, referring to the release of hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners in exchange for his son.

I have a better idea. Send a hellfire missile up Mashaal’s ass. And then send another one for Ismail Haniyeh, and pretty much all the rest of Hamas. Then take out Islamic Jihad. And Baby Assad’s summer palace.

Now that would be exerting the right kind of pressure.

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4 Responses to The definition of chutzpah

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Send a hellfire missile up Mashaal’s ass. And then send another one for Ismail Haniyeh, and pretty much all the rest of Hamas.

    This is why I love your blog.
    Kol hakavod, Meryl, and Shabbat Shalom, too.

  2. Herschel says:

    I believe that both Mashall and Haniyeh’s days are numbered and will meet with the same fate as Yassin and Rantisi. In the interim, they are constantly looking over their shoulders waiting for the angel of death with a Mogen Dovid emblem emblazoned on its wing.

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    “Send a hellfire missile up Mashaal’s ass.”

    Great idea, Meryl. It would be perfect except that he would probably die instantly.

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