Co-opting the language, Hamas style

I’ve written before how the palestinians make it a habit of taking the terms and descriptions used by and for Israel (such as the Israeli Law of Return changed to the palestinian “right of return”) and co-opting them for the palestinians. Here’s Hamas’ latest attempt to turn the tables on the Israelis:

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal arrived in Moscow on Monday for talks aimed at lobbying Russia to push for an end to a Western aid embargo on the Palestinian government.

“Our goal is to encourage the international community to start cooperation with the Palestinian government and pressurize Israel to recognize the Palestinian state’s right to exist,” RIA Novosti news agency quoted him as saying.

Say what you will about them, they’re experts at PR.

And say what you will about the Russians, they’re still the Jew-hating sons of bitches who invented the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and kept millions of Russian Jews hostage rather than let them emigrate to freedom.

“We value Russia’s position toward lifting the blockade from which the Palestinian people suffer. We also value Russia’s special position in the issues of the Middle East settlement.”

Russia has taken a softer line on the Islamist Hamas than the United States and the European Union, which along with the United Nations make up the Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators.

Russia wants the world to deal with the openly genocidal terrorist organization, and return to giving them more money with which to murder Jews. I’m betting the Russians never met a Jew-hating terrorist they didn’t like. Well, except for the ones in Chechnya. Funny how terrorism only matters there, and nowhere else. Well, no, not really funny. We know why that is.

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5 Responses to Co-opting the language, Hamas style

  1. Cynic says:

    Meryl, when it comes to the Palestinians please remember that it was the Russians (KGB) who manipulated and financed Arafat and the PLO in the late 60s.

    Wall Street Journal, Saturday, January 12, 2002
    Gen. Sakharovsky asked us in Romanian intelligence to help the KGB bringing Arafat and some of his fedayeen fighters secretly to the Soviet Union via Romania, in order for them to be indoctrinated and trained. During that same year, the Soviets maneuvered to have Arafat named chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organizaiton, with public help from Egypt’s ruler, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

    What is even more mind boggling, with hindsight, is that they got the State Department and the CIA to go along with their choice to the extent that Foggy Bottom covered Arafat’s ass,during 30 years, for the murder of their own diplomats.
    Of course

  2. Robert says:

    Wow, color me surprised, but the Russians continue to be a biased partner in peace.

  3. Ben F says:

    Russia The United States wants the world to deal with the openly genocidal terrorist organization, and return to keep giving them more money with which to murder Jews.

  4. chsw says:

    Cynic, I remember that story from the WSJ from several years ago. The WSJ article also said that Arafat was the KGB’s top operative in the Middle East and his express mission was to disrupt all governments friendly to the USA.

    BTW, Israel is planning a nation-wide drill to test its civil defense capability in case it is attacked with a nuclear weapon.


  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Hey, if the Russians want the Palestinian Arabs to have money for terrorism let them furnish it themselves. I think the best chance to pound some minute amount of sanity into Pali heads is to keep them cut off from the welfare payments they have had for so long, forcing them to work or starve. If their “Arab Brothers” or the Russians want to give them handouts let them use their own money. They may be generous with promises but I’ll bet the Palis will find them tightfisted with the cold cash.

    And somebody whisper quietly in Vlad’s ear that if the Russians start to use the Pali terrorists agianst us again, as the Commies did, well we can find some things to do to the Russkies in return that they won’t like.

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