Monthly Archives: February 2007


I found Frogstar a while ago while looking (I think) for a copy of “The Cat Came Back,” a song we used to sing in camp. Now I use it for clips in my podcasts, and I thought it’s only … Continue reading

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The definition of chutzpah

Khaled Mashaal, the man who should have been executed as a terrorist leader but instead is feted in Syria and other Israel-hating nations, has told Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, that the reason his son is still in the hands of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 4 Comments

If it’s Friday, this must be Bilin

Or Bi’ilin, or Be’ilin, or howeverthefrig you spell it. On the second anniversary of the weekly anti-fence riots, protestors—rioted. Five protesters where injured on Friday in clashes with security forces near the Palestinian village of Bilin, where villagers and left-wing … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Sound the bell again, professor

It is an old story, and I don’t know its source: A professor of anthropology visits a Bedouin camp to investigate this or another habit of the tribe. Feeling thirsty, he looks around for a well and finds it. Near … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Politics | 3 Comments

U.S. to Israel: We like you! We really, really, like you!

The Gallup Organization polled Americans on which countries they like and dislike, and which most greatly affect U.S. interests directly. Israel scored the big one, being declared both favorable and a “vital friend.” WASHINGTON – A Gallup poll surveying US … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Don’t mess with these old coots

A retired military man and eleven other senior citizens fought off three would-be robbers, killing one of them. These folks were all off a Carnival cruise tour in Costa Rica. They got back on their cruise and sailed away, doubtless … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

Cognitive dissonance alert

What time is it, kids? That’s right. It’s Israeli Double Standard Time. From an editorial in The Gulf News: As the international community ponders ways to revive the Middle East peace process, Israel responds by launching its biggest war games … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Learning something new

I have always—always wondered what the hell “reading them the riot act” meant. I knew there was a Riot Act, but I never got it. But then I found this nifty website, which explains what that prhase means. In English … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 1 Comment

The Danger Room

The man behind Defense Tech, Noah Schachtman, is now defenseblogging for Wired in the Danger Room. (As an X-Men fan, I love the name, of course.) If you’re a milblogger or someone interested in defense, this is the place to … Continue reading

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In which we educate Tony Blair on why he cannot deal with Hamas

The Prime Minister of Britain is a fool, an idiot, or hopelessly naive. The UK has indicated it could be prepared to do business with the Islamic group Hamas, in comments that underlined the growing difference in approach between Europe … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Religion | 4 Comments

If a Quartet issues a statement that nobody likes….

The Quartet released a statement that can apparently be read in Humpty Dumpty-ese: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. “It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less.” … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

The non-truce farce is over

Hamas has finally declared their non-truce—in which they continue to launch suicide attacks, shootings, and rockets at Israel, but don’t claim the attacks in Hamas’ name—over. It’s good to know that Mahmoud Abbas thinks that these are the people that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Talk amongst yourselves

Barring my co-bloggers putting up something new, this will be my last post until I get home from D.C. tonight. Through the magic of scheduling, I wrote it last night before I went to bed. So you have to go … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

World anti-Semitism update

Croatia thinks it’s just nifty to publish sugar packets with Hitler’s image on them, as well as anti-Semitic jokes. Charming. A senior member of the al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad’s military wing, told Ynet that although Tuesday’s attack failed, more attacks … Continue reading

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The non-stop suicide bombing attempts

They caught yesterday’s would-be Tel Aviv suicide bomber. But don’t think that Israel is safe, or even that the terrorists have stopped trying to murder Israelis. They most certainly have not. Security officials were not surprised by the attempted suicide … Continue reading

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