Monthly Archives: March 2007

And they talk about American arrogance

So how is this not arrogance? Iran dismisses EU’s biased, meddlesome stances on sailors case ran on Saturday dismissed EU’s “biased and interventionist” stances on capture of 15 British marines and sailors, who illegally trespassed into Iranian territorial waters, calling … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

The AP and the Western Wall: Wrong again

Following is a copy of an email I sent to the AP: Several months ago, after the controversy over the Temple Mount archeological dig, I wrote to you to correct your error in the boilerplate about the Western Wall of … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Religion | 2 Comments

Parody unparalleled

Longtime readers know how much I like to parody song lyrics. And I’m pretty damned good at it. This guy is great at it. “I’m Still Here” is a song that I’ve tried for years to write a parody for, … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Parody | Comments Off on Parody unparalleled

In violation of the Geneva Conventions

Iran, which is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, is blatantly violating it by showing the captured British sailors on TV. They’ve just published a “confession” that one of the sailors made, saying they were in Iraqi waters. One of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 6 Comments

Site announcement

Folks, I am switching hosts this week, and comments created here after 6 a.m. Monday morning won’t be transferred over to the new site. Some comments may disappear. Something about the DNS settling and all that. More information later, and … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments

The traditional last-minute cleaning

You know, this would be so much easier if only I didn’t procrastinate the big clean-up every time Mom comes to visit. Well, last time she was here, she washed my kitchen floor because she was unhappy with the job … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Accept our peace offer, or we’ll kill you

That’s what the Arabs are telling Israel. And this is how it’s being spun. Reuters: Arab leaders urge Israel, world to take peace offer Mar 29, 2007 — RIYADH (Reuters) – Arab leaders endorsed a peace plan to end decades-old … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 5 Comments

Brits on campus anti-Semitism: That’s not very nice, chaps

So the sum total of what the U.K. is doing to put a halt to current levels of anti-Semitism on U.K. campuses? They’re wagging their fingers and saying “shame.” Although the government has again said that it “deplores” any attempts … Continue reading

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Sue Blackwell’s not gonna like this

The U.K. is telling its universities that they have to actually start clamping down on anti-Semitism on campus. Big job. I wonder if they can. The government is due today to unveil steps universities must take to stamp out campus … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 6 Comments

Hulk smash Conan? No! Conan smash Hulk!

This is wrong on so many levels. No WAY can Conan take on the Hulk.

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

Why Queers for Palestine are on the wrong side

Say, Queers for Palestine: Imagine if this event were held in Ramallah. What do you think would happen? Arab lesbians quietly defied Islamist protesters and a social taboo to gather at a rare public event Wednesday in a northern Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Late spring in New York

And New Jersey. I would very much like to head up to NJ/NY for a visit sometime in early June, after religious school is over, and between busy times in my new job. I would also very much like to … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Saudis to Israel: Refusing our peace plan = war

The ultimatums keep getting better and better. So this is what the Saudi princes think are negotiations: Telling Israel that she must accept the 2002 initiative as is, with zero changes, no matter what—and if she doesn’t accept, then obviously, … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Connect the dots

What do you do if you happen to find yourself knee-deep in sewage in your backyard? I guess you would get to a dry place first and then figure out a way to get rid of the flood and make … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Arabs to Israel: Do as we say

Saudi Arabia, having presented a so-called peace plan and insisted there will not be any changes made to the five-year-old plan that was rejected in 2002, then tells Israel she must be flexible. Yes, it truly is Israeli Double Standard … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 4 Comments