Monthly Archives: April 2007

Baby Assad openly proclaims Syria works against the U.S.

It’s gotten so bad that the Dorktator, fresh on the heels of Nancy Pelosi’s visit, now openly declares Syria’s anti-U.S. agenda. In fact, he’s bragging about it. Syrian President Bashar Assad predicted Monday that the US vision for a “new … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | 1 Comment

Heroes discussion, pre-episode, possible spoilers

I think I’ll be putting up Heroes discussion posts for the rest of the season. I had a good email discussion going with a couple of people. And people had some interesting comments last week about Mama Petrelli (super power … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 28 Comments

A Jewish WWII hero?

But—but Pat Buchanan and his buds all say that Jews don’t serve in the U.S. armed forces. (Tell that to my father and two uncles. WWII and Korea.) Robert Rosenthal, a World War II bomber pilot who twice survived being … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Jews | 5 Comments

Most jaw-dropping press description, ever

Found this incredibly strange description in The Scotsman, which is often an anti-Israel propaganda rag. My great-grandfather settled in Glasgow after he escaped from Latvia (and being impressed in the Czar’s army), and my grandfather was born and lived the … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Media | 7 Comments

On George Tenet and the blame for 9/11

Did you watch the 60 Minutes interview with George Tenet last night? He was a great interview, and the 60 Minutes crew were thrilled to death with everything they got from him. Emotional, agitated, full of great quotes and serious … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 6 Comments

Azmi Bishara – not guilty by virtue of…

Apparently, by virtue of having a big mouth. His seemingly erratic behavior, starting with his mysterious disappearance, artfully designed to provide as much fodder as possible to the rumors mill, his dramatic reappearance in Israeli embassy in Cairo to submit … Continue reading

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So, about that supposed moderation of Hamas

Yeah, I called it over a year ago. Moderation? Never. Hamas Leader Threatens Renewed Violence The supreme leader of Hamas threatened violence if an international aid embargo isn’t lifted and demanded in an interview published Monday that Israel release top … Continue reading

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So much bias, where to turn?

Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli traitor who handed over state secrets to the British press, is once again lionized in the media. And it’s in so many different flavors! What to choose? What to choose? UPI: Israeli whistleblower in trouble again … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on So much bias, where to turn?

Haveil Havalim is up

And there are so many places to look, I barely know where to tell you to go. This one is on the New York Times being awarded the Self-Hating Jew Lifetime Achievement Award, and you have to see the award … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 14 Comments

Sing along with Rahel

Long-time readers will doubtless remember that this is the time of year that I am driven absolutely crazy by my Daled class students. Spring hits Richmond very early each year, but we have class through the end of May. By … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 4 Comments

Israel boycott con?

I have borrowed this headline from a remarkable (aren’t they all?) article by Ami Isseroff. In the article Ami states and proves the main point: that in many, if not all, cases the boycott initiative has a hidden goal – … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Podcast assistance needed

If anyone out there has a decent audio capture program, and can get me the Harry Reid audio from this YouTube video, I’d appreciate it. My capture program is freeware that has a tinny sound to it. Thanks. Update: Got … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Comments Off on Podcast assistance needed

Why I still read Lair Simon

Because even when he’s so busy he barely has time to post on his own blog, he comes up with gems like this. It’s called “Captain’s Blog,” and it’s funny. You should read it. Even if you don’t like Star … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Humor | Comments Off on Why I still read Lair Simon

Media bias: Only on days that end with a y

If the day ends with a “y,” you can be guaranteed at least one biased media piece on Israel. Like this one. 3 Hamas Militants Slain Near Gaza Border Notice how the Palestinians did not “die,” as they did in … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | 1 Comment

Have you voted in the JIB awards yet?

Well, have you? You should. Go vote. Best Post has been delayed for a while, so I’m suggesting you vote for someone other than me. There are a lot of fine Jewish and Israeli bloggers out there. Go look at … Continue reading

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