Media bias: Only on days that end with a y

If the day ends with a “y,” you can be guaranteed at least one biased media piece on Israel. Like this one.

3 Hamas Militants Slain Near Gaza Border

Notice how the Palestinians did not “die,” as they did in yesterday’s story. They were “slain.”

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) – Israeli troops on Saturday killed at least three Hamas militants who were en route to carrying out an attack, throwing a shaky truce along the Gaza-Israel border further into question.

The border clash came just a day after moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held rare talks in Cairo with Hamas’ supreme leader in exile, Khaled Mashaal, to find ways of rescuing the cease-fire.

It was not clear whether Hamas’ military wing acted with the backing of the political leaderhsip. There has been growing dissatisfaction among Hamas’ hardliners with the coalition government formed in March between Hamas and Abbas’ pragmatic Fatah movement.

Isn’t it amazing how the AP can pretend that there’s a cease-fire even after Hamas has not only declared it over, but then proceeds to shoot rockets and plant bombs? And hey, let’s check out how Abbas is “rescuing” the cease-fire.

Exiled Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal on Saturday described rockets attacks on Israel this week as “self defense” and claimed they were justified, while the camp of the moderate Palestinian president urged the preservation of the five months’ truce.

[…] “It’s the Palestinians’ right to defend themselves,” Mashaal said, adding the attacks came in revenge for the killings of nine Hamas Palestinians by Israel. “These are violations that needed a retaliation.”

Uh-huh. “Self-defense” equals sending rockets at civilians. But wait, because the AP is equally as insane.

Saturday’s incident marked the second time in four days that Hamas breached the cease-fire reached in November. Earlier this week, Hamas fired a barrage of rockets toward Israel, causing no injuries, after Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians in fighting.

“The truce cannot be for free. There is a possibility to consider a temporary truce, on the condition that is mutual. Otherwise there will be no free truce,” Abu Obeida, a spokesman of the Hamas military wing, told a local Palestinian radio station.

Hamas has sent mixed messages about the truce in recent days.

Okay. Now rockets and bombs are “mixed messages.” That’s a new one in the AP euphemism dictionary. But hey, this is the Middle East, where Alice in Wonderland actually makes sense.

While the military wing said it considered the truce to have ended, citing Israeli violations, political leaders said the future of the cease-fire depended on Israeli actions.

Ayman Taha, a Hamas government spokesman, said Saturday that the group has the right to target Israel. “The problem is not with the resistance, it is with the occupation,” he said.

You see? It is never their responsibility. Not. Ever. Gilad Shalit is still being held captive not because Hamas kidnapped him, but because Israel refuses to release the prisoners that Hamas wants released. It isn’t Hamas’ fault that they are sending rockets into Israel, planting bombs, and trying to kill and kidnap Israelis on a daily basis. It is Israel’s fault. Because she exists.

These people will never, ever give up this attitude until they are utterly defeated. The world needs to back off and let Israel clean out the terrorists, once and for all.

Of course, it won’t. We all know that. And so you get pretend truces, whose “breaking” is always blamed on Israel, no matter what.

The Red Queen has leaped from the pages of Lewis Carroll and taken life in the words of Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, and their sympathizers.

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One Response to Media bias: Only on days that end with a y

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    “”These people will never, ever give up this attitude until they are utterly defeated. The world needs to back off and let Israel clean out the terrorists, once and for all.””

    Meryl, they are all terrorists. No non-citizen Arab within the borders of Eretz Yisrael can be considered anything but an enemy. And until they are all transferred to the surrounding Arab countries — Jordan is an obvious and appropriate destination, as is Syria — the Arab citizens of Israel will also find it hard to develop their own loyalty to their country.

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