Monthly Archives: April 2007

Your daily dose of media bias

Palestinians were killed at the Rafah border crossing, but the media aren’t picking it up, because they weren’t killed by Israelis. But don’t count on Israel not being blamed for this. As far as I can tell, only the BBC … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 1 Comment


The Middle East Times collects a roundup of Arab newspaper editorials. Be prepared to start laughing at the astonishing hypocrisy. A commentary in Jordan’s Ad Dustour said the Israeli campaign against Arab Knesset member Azmi Bishara indicated Israel was becoming … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Open the gates of hell watch

We haven’t had a threat to open the gates of hell in quite some time, so I thought I’d give you the latest one. Anticipating Israeli military action, Hamas gunmen took up positions overnight near Gaza’s border with Israel, covering … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 5 Comments

The faux truce

Mahmoud Abbas says there’s no reason for Israel to go into Gaza. The “truce,” he says, is holding. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that calm had returned to Gaza and he appealed for Israel to refrain from embarking … Continue reading

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Trees make me sneeze

So do grass pollen, mold, and dead dust mites. And apparently, according to the allergist, so does this: No, seriously. I tested positive for this, too: I just laughed at the allergist. I have never in my life entered a … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 5 Comments

Yes, please

Get rid of this moron who should be called the Indefensible Minister. Associates of Amir Peretz said on Thursday that the defense minister would be willing to accept the position of finance minister immediately, after Attorney General Menachem Mazuz ruled … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Off to the allergist

Posting will be light this morning while I get stuff put on me and then react to it. Or not.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Abbas asks for a do-over

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how if the IDF even looks at a Palestinian, it’s a violation of the “truce,” but Hamas can outright say they’re breaking the truce, and then a few hours later say “Well, not really,” and everyone … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Syria readies for war

The Syrians are building up their arms and army, moving closer to the border, and installing thousands of rockets after the Hizbollah fashion of last year’s Lebanon war. But they want peace, they say. Uh-huh. And of course, the Israelis … Continue reading

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“Moderate” Iranian ex-prez curses Israeli reporters

That “moderate” Iranian ex-president, whose speech at Harvard on September 10th last year was titled “Ethics of Tolerance in the Age of Violence” is not a practitioner of what he preaches. Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami has called for peaceful … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 2 Comments

Israel’s traitors within

The gag order was finally lifted on the Arab Member of Knesset Azmi Bishara’s criminal allegations, and they are crimes against the State of Israel, and even worse, during wartime. Former MK Azmi Bishara is suspected of acting against the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

How much is that Gracie in the basket?

The one with the scraggly tail How much is that Gracie in the basket? I hear that she really can wail. Because sometimes, you just need to post cat pictures.

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Israel is 59

I think this recording of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp survivors singing Hatikvah says it all, particularly the last line: “Am Yisrael Chai—the children of Israel still live!”

Posted in Holidays, Israel | 1 Comment

Random funereal thought

Do they bury you barefoot? I mean, in Jewish burials. I love going barefoot. I was born barefoot. Iwouldn’t mind if I died barefoot. And I would like to be barefoot when they put me in that pine box. I … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 9 Comments

More on the tough guys

If you go to the New York Times Flash presentation of the Tech timeline, a couple of things leap out at you right away. Go to image 6. You’ll see that Rooms 204 (image 15) and 205 (image 14) had … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Life | 19 Comments