Monthly Archives: May 2007

Queers for Israel

Here’s something you will never see in a Muslim nation. Israel’s going to get its first gay political party. A number of friends plan to set up a party for gay people that would contend for Knesset seats in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

A poll

I have an idea of who reads my blog and why, but only an idea. You guys have been driving me crazy lately, because you’re simply not commenting, and it’s hard to tell which of my posts are working and … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 21 Comments

Springboks? You bet!

The boycott fever consuming the fair island of Albion has erupted again yesterday. Delegates at the first conference of the new University and College Union in Bournemouth voted by more than three to two to recommend boycotts in protest at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Jordan to Israel: Stop digging in Old City.

Meryl to Jordan: Eff off, you hypocritical bastards. A tradition of three millennia, tenaciously preserved and reinvigorated by living presence until 27 May 1948, when the Jewish Quarter fell, could not be destroyed by the Jordanian conquest or edict. The … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Travel day today

But don’t worry, posts have been scheduled. I am going to Northern VA to return my loaner computer. Which I’m starting to like better than this one, because it’s tiny. And light. Well, but it doesn’t have a 17-inch screen. … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Yeah, that’ll work. The UN and Quartet condemn kassams

Wow, Hamas must be shaking in its sandals at this outpouring of condemnation. First, the Quartet. The Quartet expressed its deep concern over recent factional violence in Gaza . It called for all Palestinians to immediately renounce all acts of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, World | 6 Comments

In praise of cats

Lair links to a Rachel Lucas post where she gives advice to would-be online dating service success stories. The part that bothers Lair, of course, is where Rachel says not to put up photos of your cats. Well. These are … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 12 Comments


Here’s a shock: Iran is supplying weapons to Syria, which in turn supplies them to Hezbullah. And Iraq, of course. Turkey appears to have foiled an attempt to smuggle weapons from Iran into Syria, the Lebanese newspaper A-Nahar reported Wednesday. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Briefs

Ha’aretz on Britain’s anti-Israelism

Ha’aretz, the Israeli paper that is the darling of the left, trashes Great Brtain’s policy of constantly trying to delegitimize Israel as a nation. Britain has become in recent years the battlefield in Israel’s fight for its existence as a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Tech question

I keep getting pop-up windows telling me I’ve got all kinds of system infections and I should click to download Errorsafe. Of course, I do not click to download, and in fact, am leery of closing the pop-up window until … Continue reading

Posted in Computers | 6 Comments

The International Red Cross: Nazi helpers

I thought I could not possibly loathe the ICRC any more than I already do. I was wrong. I was really wrong. I’m sure the apologists will say that Eichmann just “slipped through” somehow. That’s not good enough. The passport … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 11 Comments

The difference between old host and Bluehost

My new hosting service is Bluehost, a service that I have been extremely happy with. Here’s the main reason why: In the last month with my old hosting service, I received a link from Instapundit. The resulting traffic caused my … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments

AP “centrist” party watch

Here it is again. Ayalon, 61, has pledged to lead the centrist Labor out of its year-old partnership with Olmert if the prime minister’s Kadima Party does not choose a new leader. Notes: The AP has not yet given Kadima … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 1 Comment

Israel helping the U.S. Army

Say, remember that Soviet Mig-21 fighter pilot who landed in Israel and defected to the west? The one responsible for America getting the information we needed about the Soviet Mig-21? It was an Israeli Mossad operation, not a spontaneous defection, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Mark Twain and creationism

Glenn links to an article about the Creation Museum, which has dinosaurs roaming the earth with Adam and Eve. Feh. Mark Twain beat the Creationists by a century, with the Diary of Adam and Eve. MONDAY NOON.–If there is anything … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Religion | 18 Comments