Monthly Archives: June 2007

I. Ben Busy

That was my name for today. This weekend was the last service led by my congregation’s rabbi, who was essentially forced out (although some would say he quit, I don’t believe it). He and the rebbetzin—especially the rebbetzin—are the ones … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

What the bomb could have done

The Times asks experts how large the explosion would have been: The “patio gas” bomb defused in Haymarket would have generated a fireball the size of a house and a shock wave spreading out over a diameter of at least … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 9 Comments

Major British terror attack thwarted

Sheer luck prevented a car bomb from killiing and wounding hundreds of Londoners today. Officers inspecting the car found 60 litres of petrol on the back seat, gas cylinders and containers holding nails inside, which could have caused “significant injury … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 5 Comments

Hey, look at that! A bomb factory!

So, that ending of terror that Mahmoud Abbas is supposed to be doing? Yeah, not so much. A number of IDF troops were wounded during an operation in Nablus Thursday which exposed a large explosives laboratory. Three prepared explosive devices, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

The perils of working from home

This week a series of annoyances managed to all roll out one after another, forcing me to bring out my inner Hulk—albeit, the kinder, gentler Hulk. About two weeks ago, I got new neighbors: A young couple with two young … Continue reading

Posted in The Hulk, Work | 17 Comments

The upcoming Hezbullah war

Hezbullah has been re-arming since the end of last year’s war. Since a UN-brokered cease-fire came into force last August 14, the group has been steadily gearing itself up for the next round, with the same determination and secrecy that … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 3 Comments

Mahmoud Abbas’ empty promises

So, Mahmoud Abbas is going to stop terror in the West Bank. Really. Because seven IDF soldiers were wounded during operations in Nablus. An IDF officer was severely injured, three soldiers were moderately hurt and another three sustained light wounds … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Stupid UN moment of the day

As a result of objections by Poland, Auschwitz has been renamed. Because the Poles were oh-so-very-good to the Jews during and after WWII, right? On July 4, 1946, townspeople and security officers, spurred by a false rumor that Jews living … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 3 Comments

PETA worker fails dognapping 101

A PETA worker is going to be tried for felony theft for stealing a foxhound. She says she was rescuing a stray. Except, well, she took a tracking collar off the dog, and also ignored the fact that the dog’s … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 7 Comments

Mahmoud Abbas, Olmert’s new peace partner

It’s good to know that Olmert thinks he can make peace with Abbas. Because it’s obvious that Abbas has changed and is totally ready to crack down on terrorism and work towards a two-state solution. You can tell by the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

The media bias, part the next

Hey, kids. If it’s a day that ends with a “y,” it’s time for the AP anti-Israel media bias. Let’s start, as always, with the headline. Israeli Troops Kill 10 Palestinians No doubt there what happened. But please note that … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Sgt. Mom’s fundraiser

Sgt. Mom wrote a book. So far, she hasn’t gotten a publisher, but that’s not stopping her. Now she’s going to try to self-publish, but that’s not inexpensive, either. So go check out Sgt. Mom’s post where she tells you … Continue reading

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 1 Comment

A man of heart

He may not have much wisdom, but he has heart. The father of a woman killed by terrorists says he would agree to her murderers’ release from prison in exchange for Gilad Shalit. The MK said he had sent Prime … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Proving that stupid politicians are an international problem

You think American politicians are stupid? Well, so are the politicians of the rest of the world. This one is PETA’s best bud: MK Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List-Ta’al) proposed Tuesday that the Knesset ban MKs from wearing leather garments … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | 6 Comments

AP notices Gaza’s Christians are in danger, does not blame Israel

It’s a watershed moment. Not a single word in the article points to blaming anyone but Muslims. The ransacking of a Catholic convent and an adjacent Rosary Sisters school during Hamas’ sweep to power broke more than wood and plaster. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Religion | 3 Comments