Monthly Archives: July 2007

Harry Potter: More reading material

Sarah has finished book 7, and I said a few days ago that I’d wait until she finished the book before posting about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I guess I should wait for Larry to finish it, though, … Continue reading

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 5 Comments

Sometimes, you just get lucky with the camera

So you think this one can get on lolcats? “I can sings oppra?”

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

No way this doesn’t end badly

President Bush is proposing a multibillion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other Gulf States. The sales include JDAMs and other advanced weaponry that can seriously harm Israel’s current advantage against the Muslim world. Other salves to Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | 6 Comments

The Iranian proxy war continues

So, why exactly would the Iranians need Hebrew speakers? Because they’re recruiting Palestinians who can speak and read Hebrew. The Iranian regime needs Hebrew speakers to work as translators, intelligence agents and as part of its propaganda machine against Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 4 Comments

The Mighty Heart controversy

For me it started with the article by Debbie Schlussel in the FrontPage magazine. Let’s not mince the words – the article is a hatchet job, and a very thorough one to boot. Debbie has definitely gone overboard, trying to … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Movies, Politics, Terrorism | 7 Comments

Why some people shouldn’t write internet stories

This one is making the rounds of YouTube, and it is effing hilarious. Watch out! There are hordes of gangs roaming the internet, and they want to steal your passwords!

Posted in Humor, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Reasons to keep checkpoints

I thought Mahmoud Abbas’ party was cracking down on this: An armed Palestinian was arrested at the Hawara Checkpoint on Sunday night, Army Radio reported. The gunman was carrying a pistol and a magazine when security forces caught him at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

The IDF finally gets on the media bandwagon

It looks like the Israelis have finally figured out that they’ve lost the media war for decades. They’re working to change the information battlefield. A year after the Kafr Kana bombing during the Second Lebanon War and the IDF’s failure … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media | 3 Comments

The difference between us and them

When Israel launches an investigation into the failings of the Second Lebanon War, the investigation actually, well, investigates. When the Palestinians launch an investigation into the debacle that was the Gaza war with Hamas, they launch a kangaroo court. “A … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | Comments Off on The difference between us and them

The AP reads my blog

Check out this change in the story about Palestinians entering Israel. From yesterday’s story: Hamas, which wrested control of the Gaza Strip last month, denounced the deal since it allowed Israel to decide who could enter Gaza. Hamas officials and … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 1 Comment

Other people’s writing

A Rahel fundraiser: You folks helped me out big-time last year when Gracie was sick, and now we need to help Rahel. The vet bills were high, but Lady has recovered from her diabetes and is happy and healthy and … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 4 Comments

Nasrallah taunts Israel from secure, undisclosed location

The great, brave leader of Hezbollah, who was hiding in some underground bunker somewhere, afraid to show his face, told Israel that she had achieved none of her objectives during last year’s war. Proof again that the Arab/Muslim world seems … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Lebanon | Comments Off on Nasrallah taunts Israel from secure, undisclosed location

Bibi watch: Countdown to furious denial

How long you figure it will take Bibi Netanyahu to deny this article? I say the moment Shabbat ends, he holds a press conference or sends out his statement to the press. Egyptian FM: Bibi not opposed to Arab initiative … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Palestinians trapped in Egypt heading home

The Palestinians trapped in Egypt will be heading home via Israel and then into Gaza. The AP piece looks almost balanced. Israel has agreed to allow Palestinians stranded in Egypt for weeks to pass into Israel and then into the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

Classic comedy: Dogs in Elk

Note from Meryl: This made the rounds years ago. I received it from my friend JJA, and posted a link to it in one of my earliest blog posts, and again a couple of years ago. It’s worth re-posting on … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments