Monthly Archives: September 2007

Palestinian boycott movement dead in the water

If you’ve been following this site for any length of time, you know that there are a considerable number of calls and movements to boycott Israel, from various countries and sources. One of the things that all of these boycott … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Maldives: Trouble in paradise?

When you, my poor to moderately well-to-do reader, visit your travel agency to scrounge for a lowest price ticket to Spanish Riviera (if you are a Brit), to Cancun (if you are a US citizen) or to Cyprus (for Israelis), … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Mahmoud the bold

h / t Elder of Ziyon Lally Weymouth of the Washington Post – daughter of the late Katherine Graham – interviewed Mahmoud Abbas for the paper. The interview is here. Elder of Ziyon is certainly correct that there’s nothing “moderate” … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Must-see TV, bionically

Here’s my Heroes tip of this season: Watch The Bionic Woman. It is superb. The series is brought to us by the same folks that brought us the update/remake of Battlestar Galactica, which is also pretty damned good. The producers … Continue reading

Posted in Television | Comments Off on Must-see TV, bionically

You know what?

Having a bat mitzvah is a complicated thing. And I don’t have my parents doing all the work of the party for me. Well, the invitations are mostly done. Have to email a few people for their addresses. I decided … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 4 Comments

Random random thought post

It occurs to me that I haven’t done this in ages. Now I have.

Posted in Meanderings | 1 Comment

The intifada: It’s over, they lost

This is what defeat looks like: Every year, large rallies in the territories and abroad commemorated the anniversary of the Palestinian uprising that broke out in 2000. But this year, there was nothing and Palestinians are asking themselves whether anything … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, palestinian politics | 2 Comments


I’ve got a lot of things to do this weekend, and it’s been a really long time since I’ve put up cat pictures, and it’s Caturday, so here we go: That’s Janet’s kitty, whose picture I’ve had for a while, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Hamas’ war against Israel

Hamas is targeting Israel every which way it can. Hamas targets the border crossings, thus making sure that Israel keeps them closed—because it’s been proven time and time again that Palestinians don’t care if civilians die as a result of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Syrian raid: Intel from Iranian defector?

The Jerusalem Post says the IDF received intel on the subject of the Syrian raid from the Iranian minister who defected earlier this year. Iranian former deputy defense minister Ali Rheze Asgari supplied intelligence sources in the West with information … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | 2 Comments

AFP: Only IDF-caused fatalities count

Check out this statement by AFP: GAZA CITY (AFP) — The Israeli military killed three Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, bringing to 12 the death toll in one of the bloodiest 24 hours in the Hamas-run territory … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 8 Comments

The miracle of Sukkot

A sukkah may have saved a baby’s life. A 14-month-old baby from Bnei Brak was lightly injured Thursday when he fell from a third floor apartment window onto a sukkah, Yedioth Ahronoth reported. The sukkah that broke the baby’s fall … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

Critiquing some of the new TV season

Well, I’ve watched a few of the new shows this week, and have some opinions. Grey’s Anatomy: So glad it’s back. Just as funny and fun and sad and surprising as ever. Really like bringing in Meredith’s half-sister. Really hate … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 9 Comments


One step closer to home ownership. I have been officially pre-approved for a mortgage. By a big bank, not by one of those doofus mortgage brokers who lent subprime lenders money and then were surprised when they started defaulting on … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments

Ahmadinejad in Christian lovefest

Score another propaganda victory for Mad Mahmoud. He sat down with a group of religious leaders—minus, I’m proud to say, a single Jewish religious leader—and lied, denied, and redirected the questions asked of him. But now he gets to brag … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | 10 Comments