Monthly Archives: November 2007

Australian anti-Semitism at record highs

Yes, that’s Australia, not Austria. The one with kangaroos, not Nazis. Australia now joins Europe in the “Who wants to be the biggest Jew-hater?” contest. Attacks on the Jewish community are at a high, following 638 reports covering assault, vandalism, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 4 Comments

Confronting the terrorists and aligning wtih them

via memeorandum In the afterglow of the confidence building Annapolis conference where President Bush said I have known the President for quite a while. I am convinced that he is dedicated to the formation of a Palestinian democracy that will … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Palestinian control of Nablus

I’ll go you one better, Elder, than just writing about the reappearance of armed “militants” in Nablus, which is supposed to be fully under PA police control. Here are two incidents that occurred in and near Nablus: Smuggled bombs: Two … Continue reading

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Russia: dead men winning

The news item about the death of Former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov – one of the instigators and leaders of the failed putsch against Gorbachev in 1991 – didn’t occupy a central place in the media. However, there is some … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | 1 Comment

The Algerian and the Nuremberg laws

The Nuremberg laws of Nazi Germany decreed that if you had at least one grandparent who was Jewish, you were Jewish, and off to the camps you went. Apparently, if it was good enough for the Nazis, it’s good enough … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 2 Comments

Taking back Canadian universities from the Jew-haters

Barbara Kay reports on an initiative underway on Canadian college campuses to take back Canada’s colleges from the virulent anti-Semitism that has dominated so many campuses for the past six years. The coming milestone of Israel’s 60th anniversary next spring … Continue reading

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Hamas calls for the end of Jews in “Palestine”

Yesterday, Hamas made quite clear exactly what they think of the nation of Israel: Hamas on Thursday called on the UN to rescind the 1947 decision to partition Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 3 Comments

Multiple choice quiz – middle east oppression edition

Which one of these leaders said the following? A) King Abdullah said, “The Kingdom must open up its holy cities to everyone and allow all visitors to worship as they please or Saudi Arabia is finished.” B) President Bashar Assad … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Gillerman to UN: Get over the Palestinians already

This is why Dan Gillerman is the man I’m going to marry (once I steal him from his wife of umpteen years): “The 29th of November is a reason for celebration,” said Gillerman, who spent the last few days at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

60 years old and still premature

In a sense, today Israel is 60 years old today. The partition plan that split the portion of the Palestine Mandate that hadn’t already been lopped off to create Transjordan (now Jordan) into Jewish and Arab sections was approved today. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Preconditions and conditions

The appointment of James Jones as a mediator in the Middle East doesn’t bode well. The previous military man appointed to the region, Gen. Dayton, hasn’t worked out so well. The problem with the mediators is that their job is … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, over at Sarah’s…

Tribute to a dog Max’s first piano recital (cuteness overload)

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The shadow over Annapolis and more

Steven Erlanger’s Iran Casts Shadow on Mideast Talks is an analysis that emphasizes the role of Iran in the Annapolis talks yesterday. First he quotes a view from the Arab world “There is a genuine concern and fear among political … Continue reading

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The limits of Annapolis

Ralph Peters has weighed in on Annapolis with No Lasting Peace. (Judeopundit rightly credits it with having “with numerous Mark Steyn-style one-liners.”) What happens in the course of Middle East “peace” talks under such circumstances? Whether the American administration is … Continue reading

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$1 million worth of crazy

If you’re going to forge money and try to pass it off as legit, you should probably not go for the top dollar. Especially when it doesn’t exist. Police say a man tried to open an account with a $1 … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments