Monthly Archives: January 2008

Zionists attack palestinians with sharp objects

Yesterday, Elder of Ziyon noted that Israel was being charged with Real Slow Ethnic Cleansing. In response to the charges that Israel is carrying on genocide or similar smears, Elder of Ziyon writes: According to the CIA Factbook, there are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 8 Comments

Conservatives just don’t get it!

The latest brouhaha in the British parliament clearly shows that some conservatives still cannot figure out the power of PCS (Politically Correct Speak). The new invention of the Home Secretary that will ease the task of isolation and extermination of … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Satire | 3 Comments

The Gaza breakout: A gift for terrorists

Egypt snagged five Palestinian terrorists, complete with suicide bomb belt, trying to get over the border into Israel. And where were the Palestinians found? In the Sinai. Where did they come from? Gee, let’s think. What Palestinian territory just had … Continue reading

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Ehud the Teflon

Michael Oren argues in Israel’s Lebanon Disaster that it’s imperative that PM Olmert resign in the face of the final Winograd Commission report in order to restore the country’s faith in its leadership. In another country, perhaps, such blunders might … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | 3 Comments

Where are the kassams?

Isn’t it interesting. Hamas has been busy blowing up the wall between Gaza and Egypt, then maintaining crowd control, and now policing the border. And the kassam rockets—over which Hamas insist they have no control—suddenly stopped raining on Sderot for … Continue reading

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Hamas’s Gaza debacle – yes, and yet…

In his latest article* Hamas’s Phony Victory professor Barry Rubin of GLORIA Center tells the story of Hamas’ latest failures: Imagine a very secret meeting held somewhere in the Gaza Strip. Around a table sit various Hamas bigwigs and their … Continue reading

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Israel and the UN: Score one for Israel

The UN Security Council won’t be condemning Israel for Gaza anytime soon. Libya lost. The United Nations Security Council will not discuss the proposal to condemn Israel over the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip by the Jewish state, following … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Israel through a post, snarkly

Nabbing a rat: The IDF got a major PIJ POS in Bethlehem. That would be the town that the world’s anti-Israel crew gets so up in arms about every Christmas. Funny, I don’t think they’re going to be all upset … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Did hamas lose?

Barry Rubin writes in “Hamas’ phony victory” Imagine a very secret meeting held somewhere in the Gaza Strip. Around a table sit various Hamas bigwigs and their leader makes the following speech:”Ök, here’s the plan. We’ll wage war on our … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Peace now, democracy when?

Peace Now head: Barak should stay in gov’t to protect peace process Labor should not quit the coalition following the publication of the Winograd report Wednesday, because such a move would endanger the peace process with the Palestinians, Peace Now … Continue reading

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Iran offers “help” with Gaza border

Iran is offering to help Egypt control the Gaza border. Apparently, Iran’s agents (that would be Hamas) aren’t getting enough men and materiel across the border fast enough. Iran on Sunday offered to help Egypt deal with growing chaos on … Continue reading

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Crossing Rafah

Steven Erlanger reports Israel Vows Not to Block Supplies to Gaza. So apparently in an attempt to help control the chaos on the Gaza-Egypt border Israel intends to keep a steady flow of necessities going into Gaza so that Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Comments Off on Crossing Rafah

Tig update: Is he or isn’t he?

When the going gets tough, the tough get—cat pictures. Nothin’ but Tig for now. This one is from yesterday. Sarah and I gave Tig 100 ml of sub-q a day after he got 200 ml of sub-q fluids. He seems … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Un-habashed support for terror

George Habash is dead.The New York Times had this interesting tidbit. A number of accounts say Mr. Habash was born in 1925 in Lydda, Palestine, which is now Lod, Israel. The son of a well-to-d0 grain merchant who was Greek … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Between Rafah and Hamas

via memeorandum.Gazan masses foil attempt to seal off Rafah border Some Egyptians were also worried that Israel would exploit the situation to try to “drag” Egypt back into the Gaza Strip.Husam Sweilem, a retired Egyptian army general, voiced concern that … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment