Monthly Archives: February 2008

Eye of Sauron found in space

The Hubble found where Sauron’s hiding. And I found the picture at NASA to bring to you. The news articles weren’t polite enough to link back, but I am.

Posted in Miscellaneous, The Catmage Chronicles | 3 Comments

The impending Israeli invasion

It isn’t like it’s a surprise, or anything, but you’d think Israel would get tired of warning the terrorists when to hide. Of course, there are those of us that think people who insist their greatest wish is to fall … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, World | 4 Comments

The war with Hamas: More Iranian rockets and rocketeers, more hits

Time to find out who learned more from the Second Lebananon War, Israel or her enemies. Because it looks like the IDF is finally going to go into Gaza in force. Apparently, even Olmert can’t ignore Iranian-made Grad rockets landing … Continue reading

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Sophomore jinx

Griff Witte is quickly becoming my favorite Middle East correspondent. He adds to his impressive debut with an excellent sophomore effort, Strikes in Gaza Kill 18 Palestinians; Hamas Rocket Barrage Injures 2 Israelis. (That’s facetious.)First he writes that Israel is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on Sophomore jinx

Not closed

I recently commented on the closing arguments of the Enderlin/Karsenty case in France. Based on the information I had, I questioned how France 2 could have alleged that King Hussein visited Jamal al-Dura. After checking back with my source, he … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | Comments Off on Not closed

Why the rocket attacks are hitting more people

Here’s a puzzle for you: What happened in the last few weeks that would have changed the effectiveness of the “crude, homemade rocket” attacks from Gaza? Here’s a hint: The destruction of the Egyptian border. Here’s another hint: The entrance … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

The view no more

This used to be my daily view from my kitchen during warm weather. Or, for that matter, during cold weather. Not any more. I miss my Tig. Busy up at Company In Northern VA today. No time for posting. Just … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Are you grid enough?

Daled Amos recently commented on the implications of Egypt supplying electricity to Gaza.Now Jordan is set to start supplying electricity to Jericho. Jordan, of course, claims that only humanitarian concerns are involved. Jordanian officials insisted the Jericho hookup is only … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Trading attacks

The New York Times reports on yesterday’s violence in southern Israel, Hamas and Israelis Trade Attacks, Killing Several (via memeorandum – the headline, BTW, is much better than one that appeared in South Africa. It’s a problem in Australia too.)Not … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Closing arguments

Roger L. Simon is correct when he writes: I was up early this morning to help with PJM’s ongoing coverage of the Al Dura Trial in Paris. We seem to be almost alone in the US media bothering with this … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Comments Off on Closing arguments

Democratically elected govt. of PA murders Israeli man

Hamas claimed responsibility for the salvo of kassam rockets that killed a man who was committing the crime of sitting in his car. A Israeli college student was killed on Wednesday after a Qassam rocket landed in a parking lot … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Is it bad to be pro-Likud?

The other day the Jerusalem Post reported on some comments Sen. Obama made (via memeorandum): “I think there is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel, then you’re anti-Israel, and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | 7 Comments

Radical preachers

In When Jihad came to America, Andrew McCarthy sketches a brief history of the blind Sheikh and his followers, especially El Sayyid Nosair, who killed Rabbi Meir Kahane, and the failure of authorities to tie them to the larger evil … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on Radical preachers

African refugees in Israel: Two viewpoints

The first viewpoint: A Ynet article on the number of African refugees in Israel, and their effect on the country. The lede: More than 7,400 refugees from African countries have infiltrated Israel through Egypt over the past year, Internal Security … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, World | 2 Comments

A video for you

This one goes out to a very dear friend of mine. Okay, not really. But it’s been on my mind a lot the last few days for some reason.

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