Monthly Archives: March 2008

Call for topics and comments

I’ve noticed a rather deafening silence here lately, a trend that has been going on for quite some time. Do you all just not want to comment, or are you waiting for me to say something different and new? ‘Cause … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 7 Comments

Must-see TV

A Sky News reporter interviewed Khaled Mashaal, the man voted most likely to meet a Hellfire missile if he shows his face in a place where the IDF can target him. Carl in Jerusalem has the link; he deserves the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | Comments Off on Must-see TV

Terror returns as checkpoints are removed

The first terror attack occurring in an area where checkpoints were removed resulted in the death of the terrorist. A Palestinian who was trying to stab two Israeli hitchhikers was shot dead by one of his intended victims. One of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Haveil Havalim #160: The waffle edition

Haveil Havalim #160 is up at Life In Israel with an excellent sampling of the best of the Jewish/Israel blogosphere of the past week. Of note are posts about the “burqa babes,” the seven samurai and how Judaism is like … Continue reading

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It’s hard to be humble

AP publishes a press release for Hamas: Exiled leader: Hamas might is ‘humble’. Khaled Mashaal told The Associated Press in an interview Sunday at his office in Damascus that Hamas’ military capacity is “humble.””The enemy is exaggerating it in an … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Comments Off on It’s hard to be humble

Olmert caves

Gee, no way this can go wrong: Under the plan that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced, Israel will remove about 50 roadblocks and upgrade checkpoints to speed up the movement of Palestinians through the West Bank. The Israelis also … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Showing a bad risk in a few week’s time

Erekat: Barak busy planning incursions – Jerusalem Post – March 13, 2008 Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Post has learned that Fraser will not publicize the report on compliance with the road map obligations he was expected to present at Friday’s trilateral … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Politics | 1 Comment

Leet Islamic haxxor d00dz take down Zionist websites

Roee Nahmias is hereby officially pronounced an Apprentice of Juvenile Scorn™ for this story about the PIJ haxxor d00dz incredible hacking skillz. Islamic Jihad operatives have been able to hack into several Israeli websites, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

March mideast media madness

Contents The Egyptian Israel media bias watcher Al Jazeera’s Jewish anchor – quits South African sponsored reconciliation radio The Egyptian Israel media bias watcher Adel Darwish wants to change the way Israel is covered in the British media. (h/t ETBuzz) … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

Oh, never mind

Sorry. I’m in the middle of my Battlestar Galactica marathon. Talk among yourselves.

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Battlestar Galactica Season Three and a new TV: Life is good

Just in time for me to catch up before Season Four begins, I treated myself and bought a big-screen TV and got HDTV and the Sci-Fi Channel. Y’know, I didn’t care much for the remake when I saw the miniseries … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

Hamas drops the pretense of peace, again

Hamas is slowly but surely dropping the last of the mask of pretending that they want peace with Israel. Gaza’s Hamas rulers on Friday called on the leaders of Arab nations to drop their proposal for a comprehensive peace deal … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 8 Comments

Terrorists just miss murdering babies

The worst-case scenario—the deaths of dozens of children—just missed becoming a reality today. Three Qassam rockets were launched from northern Gaza towards Israel on Friday by noon, with one of the rockets narrowly missing a nursery in Kibbutz Nir Am. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza | 1 Comment

Pro-peace = anti-Israel

James D Besser reports: Almost a year after reports of an “alternative AIPAC” emerged in the middle of the Jewish political world, many of the same players are on the verge of announcing a revised initiative intended to get the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

PIJ terrorist admits the fence is working

Say, you know that “apartheid wall” that people keep telling Israel isn’t working, won’t work, can’t work, and needs to be pulled down? The terrorists say it’s working. PIJ leader Ramadan Abdallah Shalah was interviewed in Damascus by the Qatari … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment