Monthly Archives: May 2008

Caturday Morning Post

I was watching TV a few minutes ago, and I kept hearing a noise like something was boiling. But I wasn’t cooking anything, and it wasn’t coming from outside. I had no clue what the noise was, but it didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 15 Comments

Health matters according to Hamas

This Ynet headline is worth keeping for posterity. The change in the health ministry domain of responsibilities is nothing short of revolutionary. I shudder trying to imagine what kind of tasks are now under the umbrella of Hamas tourism ministry… … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 1 Comment

European anti-Americanism

The Telegraph commissioned a poll, and gee, Europeans don’t like America (via Glenn). I know, readers. You’re all shocked to hear this news. But Europeans don’t get us, haven’t gotten us in well over 200 years, and don’t seem about … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Ghost of a chance of peace

Some twenty years ago a Palestinian soda company started hiring students from the nearby Yeshiva in Beit El to certify that the soda was Kosher for sale in Israel. It seemed like a good idea at the time but then … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 3 Comments

A puzzling question

If anyone can figure out why I’ve had Brahms’ Hungarian Dances running through my head all morning, I’d appreciate it. Because it took me a while to figure out that no, it isn’t Slovanic Dances, and no, Sorena’s orchestra did … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Music | 9 Comments

Full of fulbright

Four and a half years ago three Americans were killed as they crossed into Gaza: From the wreckage, it appeared that the explosion had occurred directly beneath the driver’s seat of the second of three American vehicles, ripping off the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The constant AP anti-Israel drumbeat

How many anti-Israel stories can one news service publish in a week? Depends. How many stories on Israel or the Palestinians did the AP publish that week? Here’s a new one: Mean, horrible Israel is causing eight Gazan students to … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Lost season finale

Whoa. I was about to give up on Lost at the end of last year. It really came back strong in the third season. I’m looking forward to the fourth. Maybe I’ll get to do an episode summary this weekend. … Continue reading

Posted in Television | Tagged , | 2 Comments

LBJ: A righteous Gentile

I didn’t know LBJ rescued Jews from the Holocaust. Unwilling to stand by idly while Nazi henchmen murdered the “People of the Book,” Johnson met with Jewish leaders and said simply, “We [must] do something to get Jews out of … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Derfner digs deep

My contempt for Larry Derfner goes back a ways. In the 90’s he was one of the Israel correspondents for every Jewish American weekly. As an extreme leftist, he used that platform to present Israel in the worst possible light. … Continue reading

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Surprise: Tutu blames Israel

Desmond Tutu, having bypassed Israel by sneaking into Gaza via Egypt like the rest of the weapons used by Hamas, has finished his “investigation” into the deaths of Palestinians in Beit Hanoun. Of course, it was the usual by-the-book investigation, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 5 Comments


In order to show the progress that the Palestinian police are making, news services often provide pictures of them in amusing physical poses and give a caption that they’re undergoing training. There were a couple of pictures yesterday, that defied … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

This week’s Shire Network News

This week’s Shire Network News features the return of Tom Paine. If you’ve never heard him present SNN, well, go listen. The feature interview? Tom scored an interview with Philippe Karsenty, who just won the appeal of his libel case … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Tagged | Comments Off on This week’s Shire Network News

Tig’s tough day

See this? It’s one of the first pictures of Tig3 and Gracie together. And Gracie isn’t very happy about it. Tig just wants to be near the big cat, but he’s had a very, very tough day. See, this weekend … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 8 Comments

Other people’s blogs

I found a new blog today, the Bookworm Room. It is blogrolled. Check it out: Israel, politics, books, and dogs. I think Harrison would like this blog a lot. Come to think of it, use the comments here to recommend … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Linkfests | 3 Comments