Monthly Archives: July 2008

Homebuying jitters

Wow, buyer’s remorse hit me big-time last night, and I haven’t even had the home inspection yet. (Next Thursday.) I was making a budget and, well, I don’t think I plugged the numbers in exactly right, because I scared the … Continue reading

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Olmert odds and ends

With the end of his political career at hand (or perhaps in a half year) it’s hard to remember that there was a time when Ehud Olmert was considered an up and comer in the Likud party. (He did rise … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

American reaction to Olmert’s announcement

Not surprisingly the Washington Post’s coverage of Olmert’s announcement that he would step down after the Kadima primaries, focuses on the peace process. Palestinian officials reacted cautiously, with Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki saying that Olmert’s decision would not change much, … Continue reading

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AP on anti-fence protest: What rocks? What violence?

The AP covered the Palestinian protests against the security barrier in an in-depth story. But there’s something pretty huge missing from this story. In fact, it’s missing from the lead, and from any real description of the protests, until way, … Continue reading

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Don’t let the door hit you, OK?

Judging from many of the reactions to PM Olmert’s announcement that he would not run again to lead his party, Kadima, it would possible to say that he’d envy President Bush’s level of popularity. Yossi Klein Halevi writes (h/t Shalem … Continue reading

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Syria and Iran, BFF

Yeah, they’re going so well, those indirect talks, that Ahmadinejad has the Syrian Foreign Minister in town and is talking about being BFF. Like, omigawd! Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met on Tuesday evening with visiting Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister, Walid … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | Tagged | 1 Comment

Gas money

Well, that’s depressing. I used a single credit card to pay for all my gas expenses from June 30 to July 28. The total, counting tolls: $376.64.

Posted in Life | Tagged | 5 Comments


Herschel is one of my longtime regulars. Chico was his. Chico Jan. 8, 1988-July 30, 2008

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 7 Comments

Breaking: Israel will have a new leader

Olmert is resigning. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert held a special press conference on Wednesday at 8 p.m. where he announced he will not run in the Kadima primary scheduled to take place in September. Olmert said he would resign from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Values of classical journalism

via memeorandum I wanted to believe the worst of the Obama campaign. I wanted to believe that they had released the note that the candidate had place in the Kotel (Western Wall) to two newspapers. There was some indication that … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

A passive aggressive national ethos

The other day I commented on a story from the Washington Post that Arab states were failing to fulfill their commitments to fund the Palestinian Authority. Since then a few other bloggers have written about the story as well as … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

AP – stoking the fire of anti-Israeli sentiment

The AP falsely reported that Israel is building a new settlement on the West Bank and linked this to a wrong-headed spin on an important national leader visiting Israel. No, not Obama! He’s still just a candidate. I’m referring to … Continue reading

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I miss Ilyka

Come back, Ilyka. Come back. I have no one else to hang with while tweaking the boys on feminist issues.

Posted in Bloggers, Feminism | 3 Comments

Ready for a rumble

Yesterday I expressed skepticism that Fatah and Hamas were headed for a civil war. Maybe I was too quick. There are indications that things have indeed heated up. Whether they’ve reached a plateau or will continue to escalate remains to … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Gaza economics 101

The UN is really, really worried about the economy of the Gaza Strip. UNRWA workers claim poverty is at “unprecedented” highs. The number of households in the Gaza Strip below the poverty line has reached an unprecedented high of nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, World | Tagged | 1 Comment