Monthly Archives: August 2008

The kitty palate cleanser

Because the previous post has the world’s ugliest man, here are some of the world’s cutest kitties: Hey you broke it! Moore’s picture broke my computer. Tig doesn’t care. My chair. I say, MY chair. Gracie isn’t allowing me to … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 7 Comments

Michael Moore and proof of deity’s existence

According to this, the world-famous creator of post-documentary documentaries found a new proof of existence of deity and His/Her attention to political affairs in US of A: During an appearance Friday on MSNBC, Moore noted the coincidental timing of Gustav, … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 8 Comments

Palestinians creating a child army

Despicable. Worse than despicable. In this framework dozens of children have undergone training in the past few days by gunmen from the Salah al-Din Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. The training included firing pistols and rifles. … Continue reading

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What women think: Sexism is sexism

This is the sentiment, exactly, on what many women feel about Obama not choosing Hillary for VP: “If 18 million votes is not enough, what does it take in the Democratic Party to get a woman on the ticket?” Time … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Israel, Politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Why women Dems will vote for Palin

I received an email today from a disaffected Hillary fan who plans to vote for McCain come November. I am a died-in-the-wool Democrat, but when Obama turned his ass to Hillary and called her “sweetie,” I didn’t know what to … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Politics | Tagged , | 16 Comments

Sarah Palin’s Battlestar Galactica ties

Jonathan Last points out the Battlestar Galactica angle on the Republican slate: Watching Palin’s introduction it became immediately clear that she looks uncannily like a young Laura Roslin.* This can only bode well for Palin. But the parallels don’t stop … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Pop Culture | Tagged | 5 Comments

Movable me

Rats. Just when I finally found the issue that gets people commenting (it is apparently politics, and not Israel or even—sigh—my enthralling cat and life posts), I have to do things like, gee, move. I’m off for the entire next … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Women and Sarah Palin

A word to the men who read this blog: While I don’t claim to speak for all women, I can claim to give you a woman’s point of view on what John McCain choosing Sarah Palin for his vice presidential … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Politics | Tagged , | 50 Comments

Israel to Europe: Shame about those Iranian investments

Israel has evidently decided that she is alone on the world stage. Actually, she’s always known it, but not it’s been codified: Israel will not agree to allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and if the grains start running out … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, World | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


Fox News confirms that John McCain has chosen Alaska Governon Sarah Palin for his vice presidential pick. This is the BEST pick possible. It shows that the Republicans are just as progressive as the Dems this time around, and I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Politics | 7 Comments

Micheline Calmy-Rey and Osama Bin Laden

“Swiss FM would talk to bin Laden“, the headline says. But don’t get your knickers twisted, there is a purpose to this: Switzerland’s foreign minister told top diplomats on Monday she favours direct talks with Osama Bin Laden to tackle … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Harry’s Place is back

The good guys win one for a change, and the woman who brought HP down has been banned from the UCU mailing list on which she linked to an article on convicted felon David Duke’s website. Time for one of … Continue reading

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It’s a cat house!

One of my readers forwarded me information on The Cat House, a no-kill shelter in California. So all my west coast readers can check it out and if you’re up for adopting a new kitty, well, look at these faces. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Phun with Phones

Verizon sucks. Several months ago, I started having troubles with my phone line after a heavy rain. Verizon took a week to fix it the first time. I had no phone service for a week except for my cell. It … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Rites of passage, changing with the times

When I was their age, my relatives gave us pen sets. Nowadays, children get their first email accounts. Sarah and Larry’s two oldest children have their first email accounts. Being a dutiful aunt, I sent them emails at Larry’s request. … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Tagged | 2 Comments