Monthly Archives: September 2008

Shana tovah

A sweet and healthy new year to my fellow Jews. Posting will be light for the next 24 hours. In a few hours, I’ll be at the G. household, with apple cake in hand. It’s the one and only baked … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Religion | Tagged | 6 Comments

New Year’s greeting from Gaza: A rocket

A kassam rocket was fired towards Israel today, but didn’t quite make it. A Qassam rocket was fired Monday afternoon from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel, but landed on the Palestinian side of the border. There were no reports … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Shire Network News

This week’s Shire Network News is up and ready for your listening pleasure. Dr. Rusty Shackleford of the Jawa Report is our feature interview. My segment is a little longer than usual. It’s on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s mirroring Hitler, only the … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Tagged | 2 Comments

A general war?

*Please see disclaimer below* Last week Syria built up its forces along the Lebanese border. Assad apologist Andrew Lee Butters wrote: In recent days, anti-Syrian politicians in Beirut have been crying wolf about an increase in Syrian soldiers on the … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Syria | 1 Comment

The Carnival of the Jews

Haveil Havalim is up at A Barbaric Yawp, one of the best-named blogs, ever. Go read the many different bloggers writing about Israel and Jewish issues. And forgive me, I forgot to link last week’s. It was at Jack’s, who … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Linkfests | Tagged | 4 Comments

What Quds day says about Mad Mahmoud

In an interview with Neil MacFarqhar of the NYT, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had the following exchange: NYT: On another subject, you are a Persian; you are not an Arab. Your country has never directly at least fought a war with Israel, … Continue reading

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American troops on Israeli soil

There is now a permanent American presence in Israel dedicated to keeping an eye on Iranian missile launches. The U.S. Army’s European Command deployed an early-warning radar system in Israel last week along with a 120-member support team, the weekly … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Israeli pilots: Prepared for combat

Two Bedouin would-be thugs found out the hard way that Israeli pilots are prepared for combat. Around 8:30 am, while the pilot was traveling to the Nevatim army base near the town of Arad, two cars driven by two Bedouins … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Things I’d be embarrassed to think, let alone post

This is why actors should stick to writing scripts. I keep trying to figure out why Obama — who I so admire, seems to underwhelm in these debates. All I can come up with is that while everyone else aims … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Presidential debate

Well, I think McCain did all right, but he could have done better. But one thing that utterly set my teeth on edge was Obama’s continually calling Senator McCain, “John.” You know, show some respect and give the man his … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 10 Comments

Obsessed with “Obsession”

via Solomonia. CAIR is fighting the distribution of Obsession by filing a complaint with the FEC, which leads Robert Spencer to observe: This is a very revealing action for CAIR to take. It reveals in particular two key aspects of … Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad: Redefining Jews and Zionism

Mad Mahmoud told his dinner of religious fools leaders yesterday that Zionism—the establishment and maintenance of a state for the Jewish people—has nothing to do with the Jewish people. Ahmadinejad rejected accusations he was anti-Semitic, saying his criticism was aimed … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Kitty you-know-what

Pamela requested kitty pictures. Gee, twist my arm. I can’t put the p-word into the title. But check out some of these poses by Mr. Tig. First, the view from my office chair earlier this week. Or was it last … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

Good homebuyer! No, bad homebuyer!

I’ve been reading Megan McArdle a lot lately in an attempt to understand the current financial crisis. In one of her posts, I’m trying to decide if I’m a bad, bad person, or if I just happened to buy my … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments

A Jeep hybrid?

Apparently, all I have to do is hold out until the new Jeep hybrids hit the market. When they get to the 2-door Wrangler, I am so there.

Posted in Life | Tagged | 2 Comments