Monthly Archives: October 2008

Republican celebrities

Okay. CBS has a slideshow that makes you go, “NFW!” when you get to this guy. I was right! Darth Vader is a Republican. Oh, and so’s Buffy. And The Rock. And Corporal Klinger. And Mama Partridge. And Adam Sandler. … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 4 Comments

Democrats for McCain

Via Jim Treacher, word not to give up quite yet. (Also from my friend Lynn, who talked me into calling my local McCain HQ and volunteering some time.) From some still-angry Hillary voters, we have the reasons why Obama isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 5 Comments

The rise and fall of oil prices

OPEC cut production last week. Oil prices fell. Banks cut interest rates last week. Oil prices rose. Oil climbed more than $4 a barrel on Oct. 29, the biggest gain in a month, after the U.S. and China, the two … Continue reading

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Halloween kitty

Tig’s pumpkin orange, on orange paper, on the black background of my leather sofa—and yowling. He couldn’t get much more Halloween kitty without being frightened, and, well, I wouldn’t do that just to get a picture.

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 2 Comments

One less Hamas terrorist, one more ship of fools

A “work accident” killed a Hamas terrorist—sorry, “policeman”—in Gaza yesterday. But read the article with me and watch the mysteries unfold. A Hamas policeman was killed and several Palestinians were wounded Thursday night when an explosive device went off in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | Tagged | 3 Comments

Running interference for Rashid

The Washington Post which has devoted an editorial to debunking Jim Corsi but never one to dispel scurrilous attacks against the Republican ticket has now come off the sidelines to weigh in on the Rashid Khalidi controversy in An ‘Idiot … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Israel stands by America

The UN General Assembly, that most anti-Israel and anti-American of bodies this side of the OIC (oh, wait—the OIC is part of the UN), put forward the now-annual resolution to end the US embargo on Cuba, passed the resolution 185-3, … Continue reading

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Yet another kassam lands

Another kassam rocket breaks the “truce.” I’ve lost track of how many times the “truce” has been broken. The ceasefire between Israel and the armed Palestinian groups in Gaza was breached Thursday when a Qassam fired from the Hamas-controlled enclave … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Bazaar advice

In his column yesterday, Thomas Friedman wrote: Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, compares it to bargaining for a Persian carpet in Tehran. “When you go inside the carpet shop, the first thing you … Continue reading

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Damn. Crude oil’s recovering

It’s near $70/bbl now. Oh, well. Gas is under $2 a gallon in Richmond. I’ll have to go somewhere tomorrow so I can fill up one last time under $2 per.

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Two questions for Charles Gibson on his interview with Obama

1.) Where are the glasses and the frown? 2.) Where are the hardball questions? Let’s face it. Charles Gibson did not do his job tonight. He had the first interview with Obama in over a month, and the toughest question … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Politics | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Saudi ERA watch

Saudi Arabia is breaking ground for the world’s largest women’s college. Here’s the funniest part of the article: The declared aim of the Women’s University is to promote women’s education in the kingdom, improve the situation of Saudi women and … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Buh-bye, Beilin

Yossi Beilin is removing himself from politics, about 20 years too late. Former Meretz head and a prominent leader of the left-wing camp, Knesset Member Yossi Beilin, announced that he will not be seeking a spot on his party’s Knesset … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

The doctor’s unpleasant medicine

Helena Cobban is shocked: Since when is it okay for a state (or an individual) to set out to kill a person based solely on accusations against him that have never been publicized and have never been tested against even … Continue reading

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A story to make you smile

Go read it. H/T: Stretch (my shooting teacher).

Posted in Life | 1 Comment