Monthly Archives: November 2008

Still on break

Back tomorrow. Meantime, there’s the latest SNN. It’s a roundtable discussion. There’s also Haveil Havalim. You’ll have to tell me which are your favorite links; no time to read it tonight.

Posted in Linkfests | 1 Comment

Targeting Jews

I found this report from Arutz-7 heart breaking. According to ZAKA emergency service, the body of the Rabbi’s wife Rivka was found covered with a tallit (Jewish prayer shawl), which her husband had managed to cover her with. Presumably Rabbi … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

And back to the break

Until tomorrow. I have pictures of puppies to take.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Gaza operation imminent?

This time, it’s not a badly-sourced bunch of rumors from a discredited journalist. This time, there’s a mortar attack from Hamas to respond to, and an Israeli soldier who has lost his leg due to the attack. But it’s starting … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Still on break

I know the world is full of news, much of it awful. But I’m still on break. I’m apparently performing the Meryl Tour of Friends and Family bedrooms, as I was at my mother’s last night, at my friend Kim’s … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving

Today, I give thanks for the many, many blessings in my life. In the last year, I lost and found a Tigger, gained a new, wonderful job, and was able to buy—for the first time in my life–my own home. … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Life | 12 Comments

Flaunting it

Back in 1988, Commentary magazine had a symposium of intellectuals discussing Israel. One of the contributors, Edward Rothstein, observed that when he drove by Judea and Samaria he was amazed by the number of TV antennas shaped like the Eiffel … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

A little less talk, a little more action

Remember the warnings of Hamas, diplomats and self-styled experts? The wisest policy would be to refrain from any intervention and leave Hamas and the Palestinian people alone. If Hamas’ failure is self-inflicted democracy will live on and the people of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | Comments Off on A little less talk, a little more action

Thanksgiving break

I am heading up to NJ tomorrow morning to spend the holiday with my family for the first time in three years. I must say, I did not miss the drive. And while my sister-in-law is a great cook, I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 5 Comments

Iran’s Hezbollah ties, Reuters lies

It’s not just the subject of this article. The blatant Reuters whitewashing of Iranian Jew-hatred is getting so obvious, I may not be able to read Reuters for much longer. Iran, a main backer of Lebanon’s Shi’ite group Hezbollah, urged … Continue reading

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The Miller’s tale (again)

Coming off of his triumphant op-ed in the Jerusalem Post, Aaron David Miller who has successfully participated in getting the Israelis and Palestinians come to agreements and have those agreements violated by the Palestinians, does a curtain call with a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 9 Comments

The press mess, McGirk quirk and the Nissenbaum shuffle

I really could do without the sanctimony. Dion Nissenbaum writes about Israel’s closure of the Gaza Strip to reporters. This week, after filing a letter of protest, the Foreign Press Association (of which Mc Clatchy Newspapers is a par t) … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Bigoted disease struck from Canadian college fundraiser

Here’s a great example of what is wrong with political correctness: It turns people into total morons. (H/T: Hot Air.) Carleton University won’t be holding a popular fundraiser to benefit cystic fibrosis, it was confirmed Tuesday, after the student council … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 10 Comments

UN to Darfur: These people can’t stay in camps forever

The irony of this story is so rich, I think I’ve suffered an overdose. The head of UN humanitarian aid says that Darfur refugees need to suck it up and stop expecting the UN to keep giving them handouts. The … Continue reading

Posted in United Nations | Tagged | 1 Comment

Montana vs. the lighthouse

I love this story. It starts … ACTUAL transcript of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. This radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on 10-10-95. What I … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | Tagged | 1 Comment