Monthly Archives: December 2008

Breaking for the calendar change

Happy New Year, everyone. I’ll be back later. This year, I’m going to enjoy my first New Year’s Eve in my new home. And at midnight, I’m going to open the door and listen to the absence of guns being … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 3 Comments

Gaza roundup 4.5

Jack does it, so I don’t have to. But I will anyway. The weather is currently in Hamas’ favor: It’s going to clear up tomorrow. The ground war is likely to begin after it clears. Arabs are shooting Israelis in … Continue reading

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And now, a humor break

Every so often, I get an absolutely hilarious spam mail title. The following is the latest: Tired of your little friend staring at the floor? Got any funny spam email titles to share with us?

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

Israel ratchets it up a notch: Mosque hit

The IDF bombed a mosque used by terrorists as a rocket launching site. Wait for the world to scream like a girl and faint. The IDF confirmed Wednesday afternoon that Air Force jets bombed a mosque in western Gaza City. … Continue reading

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The result of the “lull”

Ami Iseroff has an excellent analysis of the result of the last “lull” that Hamas asked for—and was granted. Remember, world opinion was that Israel should grant Hamas the “lull” and then, in six months, the two parties would renew … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Hamas war crimes

Hamas operatives are hiding in hospitals and operating rocket launchers in densely-populated civilian areas. Diskin also noted that large numbers of Hamas operatives are hiding in hospitals and that some are posing as medical staff. “Some are also hiding in … Continue reading

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Certain defenders of Iran are fond of pointing out that Iran has the largest population of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel. What they never mention, of course, is that Jews are restricted from traveling abroad (they must … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Jews, Religion | 6 Comments

About that ceasefire

While there’s been some talk of a truce between Israel and Hamas, according to today’s NYT, Israel likely to reject 48 hour cease fire plan. The idea of a 48-hour cease-fire emerged from a conversation between Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Is the price of oil keeping Hezbullah peaceful?

Oil is sticking around $40 a barrel (it closed at $39 and change today). Iran is in trouble. Iran’s president presented parliament with a sweeping economic package Tuesday that calls for scrapping costly state subsidies for fuel, water and electricity … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Roundups and conference calls on Gaza

Jack’s been doing roundups of news about Israel’s war against Hamas. Please check out his latest. On the PR front Israeli officials held two conference calls yesterday. One was a real conference call with bloggers such as Gateway Pundit, Jewish … Continue reading

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The 48-hour cease fire

The 48-hour cease fire idea appears to be taking hold in some quarters, especially, apparently, with Ehud Barak. The defense establishment is suggesting that Israel use a suspension of operations to carefully study Hamas’s intentions; whether the group is planning … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

If the IDF made cheesy videos like Hamas…

You simply must check out Elder of Ziyon’s take on what an IDF video would look like if it were as cheesy as Hamas jihadi videos. Put down your drink before you go. Trust me on that one.

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Iran creates “war crimes” court for world to ignore

You know, sometimes I think the Iranians are just media whores. Why else would he do something this stupid? Iran has set up a court to try Israelis for its air attacks on Gaza and is ready to try in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 5 Comments

Reporter, heal thyself

McClatchy’s terror apologist Jerusalem Bureau Chief Dion Nissenbaum writes about Israel’s military response to the Hamas threat against its citizens by writing: The Gaza Strip has had its fair share of bad days over the years, from the spark for … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 2 Comments

Laurence Simon on Second Life war crimes protests

Lair Simon may not be blogging as much as he used to, but his talent hasn’t subsided in the least. Witness: I was looking through my Flickr stream and came across something I had expected: a series of snapshots by … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 1 Comment