Monthly Archives: February 2009

Your money-saving healthcare tip of the day

I got a rude awakening this month when I refilled my prescription allergy spray. It’s not one of Cigna’s recommended drugs, so the copay went up to $40. I do not wish to pay nearly $500 a year for the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

The world’s blindness on Hamas’ intentions

More and more European diplomats are insisting that Israel must talk with Hamas. The latest in the growing line is Britain’s foreign minister, who doesn’t seem to read reports like this: Hamas official Ayman Taha in Gaza said Abbas’s comments … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, World | Comments Off on The world’s blindness on Hamas’ intentions

Breaking: U.S. will not attend Durban II

Looks like Obama has come to his senses regarding the hatefest that will be Durban II. The U.S. is pulling out. The Obama administration has decided to boycott the so-called Durban II conference out of concerns for anti-Semitism. Multiple sources … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, The One, United Nations | 3 Comments

Time’s slimy, whiny, Klein

via memeorandum Joe Klein is upset that “neo-cons” are daring to question the President. Now, many of these neocons have been gunning for Obama from the start…and have been just twitching in anticipation of the chance to paint him anti-Israel … Continue reading

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Obama and the Saudi Lobby

In a previous post (or in a conversation I had with a friend), I wondered about how much Obama was beholden to the Saudi Lobby, and what the results of that would be. The Saudi Lobby, of course, is the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics, Saudi Arabia | 3 Comments

Israel On College Campuses

Many Jewish college students have been struggling with the way Israel is treated on campus. It is becoming more common for adversaries of the state to hold anti-Israel demonstrations and activities on campus. Quite a few of these activities are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Puncturing Peretz’s balloon x 3

First it was about Durban II: The main reason I do this is that I gave the benefit of the doubt to the administration’s motives in sending a delegation to the preparatory sessions in Geneva where some interventions proved just … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Slackman flacks for terrorists

” Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists but, regrettably, the majority of the terrorists in the world are Muslims. The kidnappers of the students in Ossetia are Muslims. The kidnappers and killers of the Nepalese workers and cooks are also … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Rockets every day—what cease fire?

There’s a cease fire? Really? A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in north Gaza Thursday morning exploded in the yard of a home in the western Negev town of Sderot. No injuries were reported, but a woman and her son … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Defining terrorism down

The British foreign secretary thinks that talking to an irridentist terrorist group that intends to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic caliphate is “the right thing to do.” British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Wednesday that speaking to … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on Defining terrorism down

Desperately seeking obsequiousness

Anne Bayefsky’s ongoing coverage of the preparatory sessions for the upcoming Durban II conference have been both revealing and disappointing. Her latest has this: Here is how the American delegates responded to a proposal they understood was incompatible with U.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Obama and the deficit: By the numbers

Number of times Obama mentioned deficit: Nine. Number of times Obama mentioned cutting the deficit: One. Number of times Obama referred to bringing the deficit down by healthcare reform: One. Number of times Obama referred to bringing the deficit down … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The One | 6 Comments

Froomkin on Freeman

Dan Froomkin a propagandist for the Washington Post, did a profile of Chas Freeman three years ago for the Niemann Foundation. The blurb for the profile reads: Chas Freeman is a Washington insider with a twist. A former ambassador to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn, Politics | Tagged , | Comments Off on Froomkin on Freeman

An Obama tax question

Does anyone know the answer to this question? When Obama says he’s going to raise taxes on families making more than $250,000, what’s the limit for singles? No one ever mentions that, and I’m curious as to what Obama thinks … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, The One | 1 Comment

Freeman’s extracurricular activities

Gabriel Schoenfeld gives the background of Chas Freeman the Obama administration appointee to head the National Intelligence Council. I knew that he was bought and paid for by the Saudis as Schoenfeld points out. As Mr. Freeman acknowledged in a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment