Monthly Archives: April 2009

Not Swine Flu

Well, I was busy, and a bit out of it, but the rumors that I’m the first blogger to come down Swine Flu are completely false, and let me be the first to spread, uh, deny them. In fact, now … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

If the anti-Israel shoe fits, wear it

Ruthie Blue Leibowitz interviews Jeremy ben-Ami of J-Street. What constitutes being “anti-Israel?” Being anti-Israel means rejecting the notion of the right of the Jewish people to a state that didn’t exist before, and that its establishment was a mistake. Those … Continue reading

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Hariri suspects freed

The BBC reported yeterday that the UN’s special tribunal investigating the assassination of Rafiq Hariri has released four Lebanese generals it had been holding as suspects in the assassination. The UN court was set up to investigate the bomb attack … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Syria | Tagged | 1 Comment

BMI – doing Mahmoud the Mad’s bidding?

BMI (British Midland Airways) airline provided today a so much needed refreshing scoop: according to Galei Tzahal (the army radio), passengers flying from UK to Israel were surprised to see on their TV screens that the destination they considered to … Continue reading

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If we would just pressure Israel we’d have peace in the Middle East

The New York Times reports that Fatah and Hamas are engaged in reconciliation talks. Fatah insists that any unity government formed will be acceptable to the international community and satisfy the conditions of the so-called quartet of Middle East peace … Continue reading

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Busy, preoccupied, and out of words at the moment. I’m sure I’ll be back tomorrow.

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Chummy with Chavez

Madeleine Albright’s former poodle and Mr. Christiane Amanpour, James Rubin, has published an essay Why Obama Shook Chávez’s Hand. Despite the results of November’s election, Mr. Obama’s critics are judging him on the basis of the old Bush calculus. Whether … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 1 Comment

What’s a Jewish state got to with it?

Isabel Kershner of the NY Times reports that “moderate” Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas refuses to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state. The Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, on Monday dismissed a demand by Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to recognize … Continue reading

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Why I do the thing I do

Someone reached my site this morning with a Google search on “difference between Jews and Nazis.” That search led them to this post that I wrote in 2006. I had frankly forgotten that I wrote it. But I’m really glad … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Site news | 1 Comment

There is no Sadat

Stop him before he writes again. Roger Cohen’s latest column, Clinton’s Middle East Pirouette, starts off badly: The sparring between the United States and Israel has begun, and that’s a good thing. Israel’s interests are not served by an uncritical … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jew Cooties | Tagged | 1 Comment

AP continues its blame Israel for anti-Semitism crusade

In an article that describes government and religious persecution of Yemen’s Jews, the AP manages to blame Israel—in the lead—for Yemen’s Jew hatred. Yemen’s Jews, here and elsewhere in the country, are thought to have roots dating back nearly 3,000 … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, AP Media Bias | 1 Comment

Comments and registration

I’m getting spammed like crazy, and while the comments are going into the spam filter, it annoys me enough that I’ve just turned registration back on in order to comment. Which means the spammers will force me to close registration … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 2 Comments

Continental divide?

Barry Rubin observes in regard to Israeli relations with Europe: Probably they are better than at any time since the early 1980s. With the end of the Palestinian intifada in 2003, Israelis withdrawal from and the Hamas takeover of the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Stupid php

Okay, I’m trying to revive my programming chops to add a “next post/last post” tag to the current theme, and, well, not doing so well at it. Since I only have a few more hours to myself this afternoon, it’s … Continue reading

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Israeli security saves Italian ship from pirates

Israelis are being hired to fight off Somali pirates—and they’re succeeding. An Italian cruise ship with 1,500 people on board fended off a pirate attack far off the coast of Somalia when its Israeli private security forces exchanged fire with … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 4 Comments