Monthly Archives: June 2009

New Shire Network News

The latest SNN is up, and it has a new contribution by yours truly, one of my better ones. I will be updating my podcast page this weekend, probably. If you want to hear me before then, well, you know … Continue reading

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Spain’s activist courts becoming inactive

Looks like the Spanish government is finally reining in its ridiculous activist judges. Spain’s National Court on Tuesday decided to shelve an investigation launched by one of its judges into a July 2002 air strike by the Israel Defense Forces … Continue reading

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Ship of Fools: Fooled twice

The Israeli Navy stopped the Free Gaza “peace” activists. Expect the usual lies about ramming, random cruelty of the IDF, and other ridiculous stories. At around noon Tuesday the Israeli Navy intercepted and took control of a boat that had … Continue reading

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Necessary, insufficient and 16 years late

Last week a number of news organizations focused on the growing security responsibilities of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. Howard Schneider of the Washington Post reported For Palestinian Forces a growing role in the West Bank: Amid a marked … Continue reading

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It’s settled: No settlement freeze, please

Now we definitely have to push hard for no settlement freeze. Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh on Monday told the chairman of the Geneva Initiative, Yossi Beilin, that “a total freeze of settlements is a condition for the partial implementation … Continue reading

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I’m back

The drive was exhausting. But I have a corned beef cooking, and a Gencarelli’s panelle bread, and some kosher steaks in the fridge. I had a very nice weekend with friends, and learned that my nephew is, indeed, going to … Continue reading

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Diehl me out

Jackson Diehl’s End the Spat with Israel, is a very important op-ed. It’s also interesting that both Diehl and David Ignatius are showing skepticism of the administration’s tactics regarding Israel. That’s not to say Diehl’s column is perfect – it … Continue reading

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And more on Honduras

From WSJ: Honduras Defends Its Democracy With a great subtitle: Fidel Castro and Hillary Clinton object. Well, politics make strange bedfellows, they say. However, I disagree with the last sentence of the article: The struggle against chavismo has never been … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | 2 Comments

Honduran coup: left, right, left, right…

It looks like Latin America is starting another swing of the hundred(s) years old pendulum. This time from a left wing (populist really) government of a single honcho intent only on keeping himself at the trough to a right-wing military … Continue reading

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About those “settlements”

In an op-ed that is fully supportive of the administration, What a Freeze Can’t Do, David Ignatius lets a little inconvenient truth slip out. That doesn’t mean any breakthroughs are imminent, however. The more the administration pressures Israel, the more … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Saturday picture shows

We’re waiting for Bob to get home from the movies before we go to lunch, and for the clouds to go away before we go swimming. But I have time for blogging, and I simply had to share a few … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 4 Comments


I’ll be on the road by the time this is posted, on my way to NJ for my nephew’s graduation party. I swear, he was only six last year. Maybe the year before last. But graduating high school? No way. … Continue reading

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No more Spanish war crimes lawsuits?

The Spanish government is trying to change the laws that allow, well, anyone to sue anyone else in the world, for whatever reason. Spanish legislators voted Thursday to change a law that let judges indict Osama bin Laden and Chilean … Continue reading

Posted in World | 1 Comment

Imminent? Maybe. Costly? For sure.

Elder of Ziyon noted on Wednesday that Israel’s release of Aziz Dweik – a Hamas politician – stirred rumors that a deal for the release of Gilad Shalit is in the works. But then he noted that a Hamas politician … Continue reading

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Meshaal to Israel: No, No, No again

Once again, the Jimmy Carters of the world are going to be proven idiots. As Carter and the Obama administration insist that Hamas can be a viable peace partner, the “peace partner” makes liars of them. Hamas’ senior political leader … Continue reading

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