Monthly Archives: July 2009

Friday SNB

One can only hope: Hamas threatens to boycott Palestinian unity talks. I’m rooting for Hamas in this one. Egyptian border guards murder refugee, UN doesn’t care: If Israel were doing this, of course, there would be UN resolutions. And yet, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Pop Culture, Religion, Syria | 3 Comments

The President’s teachable Mideast moment – the Washington Post vs. the New York Times

The Washington Post surprised yesterday with an editorial Tough on Israel: But the administration also is guilty of missteps. Rather than pocketing Mr. Netanyahu’s initial concessions — he gave a speech on Palestinian statehood and suggested parameters for curtailing settlements … Continue reading

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The blood chilling affinity or songs that change color

There is nothing more painful for an indoctrinated old-style communist than this subject. Indeed, such communist will vastly prefer that you stick a fork in his/her eye… It is a long post, so for the impatient here comes a clip … Continue reading

Posted in World | Comments Off on The blood chilling affinity or songs that change color

Thursday SNB

Who are you, and what have you done with the AP editors? Look, it’s a profile of Sderot, and it’s actually implies that Operation Cast Lead is responsible for stopping the rockets! Not only that, but it portrays Israelis sympathetically. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Politics, Terrorism, The One, United Nations | 4 Comments

A conversation on unspeakable things

A phone conversation a few minutes ago: Meryl: I just saw the most bizarre news report I’ve ever seen. Sarah: Yes? Meryl: I’m watching Fox News, and they have a segment on a guy who’s been arrested for a bizarre … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Juvenile Scorn, Television | 4 Comments

Waiting for AP: Two days and counting

I sent this email to the AP two days ago: To the editor, Could you please explain to me why the AP uses the phrase, “traditionally Arab east Jerusalem” when discussing Jews living in the eastern section of Jerusalem? Who … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Other people’s posts

Based on the content of a comment at Hot Air, I found The Common Room, and this hilarious post about a moron who doesn’t understand why sprinklers cause rainbows. Oh, wait. I’m not supposed to like her. She’s Christian, a … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Linkfests | 4 Comments

Wednesday SNB

Weapons? What weapons? The man who organized the collection of thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition for Yasser Arafat was finally convicted by an Israeli court. He maintains that he was innocent, of course. He was just the guy … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Aluf: Don’t be aloof part 2

Joe Klein weighed in on Aluf Benn’s column: It’s taken me decades to realize this. Most Israelis–especially those who live in Tel Aviv and environs–not only don’t see settler types, they also don’t see many Arabs. They live their lives, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | Comments Off on Aluf: Don’t be aloof part 2

When Bill Maher says “stupid,” he means, “They don’t think like me”

Bill Maher called America a “stupid country” yesterday, and when given a chance to retract it, repeated it. (H/T: Hot Air.) WOLF BLITZER: Do you think she has a future nationally as a presidential candidate? BILL MAHER: I don’t know … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Politics | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Adventures in bookcases

My new bookcases arrived today. The office was empty and lonely without my books. But the office started looking much better after the new bookcases were put in. I think I’m going to have to buy one more set of … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 5 Comments

UN demands Israel supply terrorists in Gaza

Once again, the UN is demanding that Jews contribute to their own destruction. I particularly like this insistence by John Ging that there’s no way, really, no way in hell, that the concrete and iron rods would be diverted by … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, United Nations | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Tuesday SNB

Mitchell reports to his master: I’m sorry, but that’s the way it looks to me. Mitchell is in Israel, talking settlements with Netanyahu, and he’s reporting back to Abbas that there’s “still a gap” in negotiations about what to freeze. … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Hamas, Israel, News Briefs, Syria | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Tuesday SNB

Aluf: Don’t be aloof

While I don’t totally agree with his perspective, Ha’aretz columnist Aluf Benn has an excellent op-ed in the New York Times today, Why won’t Obama talk to Israel? Mr. Obama came to office determined to repair America’s broken alliances in … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Israel | Tagged | Comments Off on Aluf: Don’t be aloof

Nancy Pelosi and her negative numbers

Inspired by this report on how Nancy Pelosi simply doesn’t care what the little people think. I’m speaker of the house, you know As such I have my highs and lows The polls say people don’t like me That won’t … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Politics | 1 Comment