Monthly Archives: August 2009

The right to a Jewish state

Recently, Prof. Shlomo Avineiri wrote about the failure of the Palestinians to accept the right of Israel to exist. “Shamir” in this case, is Prof. Shimon Shamir, who argued that Palestinian acceptance of Israel’s right to exist is irrelevant. Benjamin … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 5 Comments

Monday SNB

Hamas getting confident; shelling Israel again: More shells into Israel. But when mortars are fired from Gaza into Israel, the mainstream media doesn’t pick it up until Israel fires back. Hamas’ pre-emptive strike at the UN See if you can … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Holocaust, Israel, News Briefs, Pop Culture | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The son also op-eds

Well following in his father’s illustrious path, Saif al-Islam el-Qaddafi has taken the pen to produce an op-ed for the New York Times, so he could, of course, argue that Megrahi is innocent. Mr. Megrahi was released for the right … Continue reading

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Sunday Snark News Briefs

I’m shocked, shocked, that Gilad Shalit’s release is not imminent: Yeah, toldja so. I will believe that a deal is within reach when I see photos of Shalit being released to Egypt. Not before. If only American prosecutors were this … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, News Briefs, Politics, The One | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments


I really like this shot of Tig. I assure you, this isn’t what he was looking at. He was actually searching for his mousie, which he had dropped. Tig loves his mousie. Gracie loves being left alone by Tig. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Mary Robinson: Building settlements will lead to one-state solution

Mary Robinson, who has just been honored by the U.S. President (whom only four percent of Israelis think is pro-Israel) with America’s highest honor, is in Israel doing a little fear-mongering. She’s warning Israel that if settlement building isn’t frozen, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Hevron remembered

Jerold Auerbach writes today about the Chevron massacre: The Jewish community of Hebron—some 700 people—recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of their return. This month they commemorate the 80th anniversary of Tarpat. All the other ancient peoples mentioned in the Bible … Continue reading

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Friday SNB

Reap what you sow dept.: A Saudi prince was injured by a terrorist who blew himself up on his way to meet with him. Don’t you just love how the AP talks about the prince spearheading the “aggressive” Saudi anti-terrorism … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jew Cooties, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Really. Not funny anymore

I’m sure that when the name “Insinkerator” was first brought out, people thought it was just the coolest name ever for a garbage disposal. Not so funny after seeing it in your sink day after day after day after day. … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 1 Comment

The libel tourist is dead

Khalid bin Mahfouz is dead. The New York Times tells us: Khalid bin Mahfouz, a billionaire Saudi banker who paid $225 million to settle charges of bank fraud in 1993 and later won a string of lawsuits in Britain against … Continue reading

Posted in Saudi Arabia | Tagged | 1 Comment

Thursday SNB

He will fart in your general direction: Nicholas Sarkozy is threatening “severe” new sanctions on Iran if it doesn’t stop enriching uranium and trying to get the bomb. Yeah, like we haven’t heard that before. No! Not the dreaded letter … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Lebanon, News Briefs, Pop Culture | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Must-read blog post of the week

Rachel Lucas’ visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I think this is something people really do forget about the extermination camps. The main image we all have of the camps is of the starving inmates at liberation in 1945, the piles of starved … Continue reading

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No Jews, No beer

Please see an important note at the end. A few days ago the Washington Post concluded in Self-Muzzled at Yale: In effect, Yale University Press is allowing violent extremists to set the terms of free speech. As an academic press … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Saudi Arabia | Tagged | 2 Comments

Netanyahu on Jerusalem

This quote should be engraved in bronze: “Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is the sovereign capital of the State of Israel. We have been building in Jerusalem for 3,000 years.” British protesters were out in droves tonight, forcing Bibi … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

I blame Yahoo! News

A heads-up to my regulars: The reason there are suddenly a few dozen new comments is because my last post on the Swedish blood libel got picked up by Yahoo! News. I’m not quite sure how or why my posts … Continue reading

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