Monthly Archives: September 2009

Gilad Shalit video to be released

This is huge, if true: The names of the 20 Palestinian prisoners slated to be released in exchange for a video providing proof captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is alive, have been released. The exchange is meant to serve as … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

The Polanski case: It’s the consent, stupid

It’s really not difficult. The Polanski case comes down to one thing: Consent. A 13-year-old girl cannot consent to having sex with a 44-year-old man. In fact, a 13-year-old girl is not old enough to consent to having sex with … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Pop Culture | 19 Comments

Goldstone impeaches self

Stephanie Guttman noted who Judge Goldstone listened to. I wrote the other day about the ludicrously biased Goldstone Report issued by the UN’s Human Rights Council, which accuses Israel of war crimes in last winter’s war with Hamas in the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hooray for chicken soup

If you have to have a cold, it’s good to have supplies for chicken soup on hand. I had a quart of frozen chicken broth from the last soup I made (I save it to add to stuffing, and haven’t … Continue reading

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The wrong accounting

In an affront to Jews worldwide, the Chicago Tribune published an op-ed essay by Rabbi Brant Rosen, before Yom Kippur, “A call to moral accounting.” Rosen uses the Hebrew term “cheshbon hanefesh” to give a religious patina to his blatantly … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 10 Comments

Arab refugees the UN doesn’t care about

While Karen AbuZayd goes begging for more millions for the Palestinians, thousands of Yemen refugees aren’t even getting relief supplies allowed through Saudi Arabia. But the UN isn’t issuing resolutions demanding that the world take care of these refugees. There … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 2 Comments

A new (to me) guy blog

This one is pretty funny, and also informative. I blogrolled them. Reader Mike S. sent me a link to this funny post, I looked around, and it’s worth checking out. I just love the beard contest. My money’s on the … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 2 Comments

Breaking the fast

Boy, between Sarah’s family and me, we have three separate bacterial tracks going. Jake has H1N1. Nate has strep. And I picked up whatever took out the rabbi on Friday and Saturday (he was recovered enough for Yom Kippur, thankfully). … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments

G’mar hatima tova

An easy fast to my Jewish readers. May we be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a good and peaceful year. This will be the last blog post until tomorrow night, after I break my fast. I … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Religion | Comments Off on G’mar hatima tova

The AP: Nothing can’t be spun anti-Israel

You would think that the AP would give us a break on Yom Kippur. You would be wrong. Israel shuts down for Day of Atonement amid fears Alternate headline: Israel shuts down for Yom Kippur, amid fears of perceived Iranian … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran, Israel | Comments Off on The AP: Nothing can’t be spun anti-Israel

Anti-Semite blames Jews for his UNESCO loss

So, gee, ya think maybe there wasn’t a conspiracy to take this Jew-hater down if he, well, hates Jews? Several days after having lost the vote for UNESCO’s leadership, Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni declared Saturday his intention to “launch … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 4 Comments

Just a post before I go

I was going to post something earlier, but then I decided to save it for later. And then I got in my car and turned the key in the ignition, heard a very loud crack, like you hear when a … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Iran letter to the IAEA revealed!

I have received a copy of Iran’s letter to the IAEA, revealing the existence of a heretofore undisclosed (don’t you love the word “heretofore”?) nuclear plant that is only a year away from operation. Just remember, even Drudge doesn’t have … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Iran | Tagged | 3 Comments

Reviewing a few new shows

Flash Forward: You know how when Lost premiered, the pilot was so well done, so incredibly gripping, that you knew immediately that ABC had a hit on its hands and that you couldn’t wait for Wednesday to come around? Yeah, … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture, Television | Tagged | 3 Comments

Goldstone’s double standard’s double standard

Ehud Barak in an excellent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal recalls: While such logic eluded Mr. Goldstone and his team, it was crystal clear to the thousands of Israeli children living in southern Israel who had to study, play, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments