Monthly Archives: October 2009


I watched Sarah’s kids last night while she and Larry went out to see their favorite local band. I brought a picture of Tig to show Sarah, forgetting that I had put it on the blog last month. Well, Max … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Despair and hope / 2001 and 2009

Back in 2001, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote State of Despair for the August 6 issue of the New Republic (no link available): Rachel Dahan left her native Kiryat Shemonah 18 years ago and settled in her husband’s town, Sderot, near … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 5 Comments


Obama administration forces Honduras to let anti-Semitic nutjob back in power: So, the guy who said that Mossad agents were poisoning him is going to be back in charge of Honduras in some fashion, forced there by the United States … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Jews, News Briefs, The One, World | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Time after Time about Israel

I was looking for something else when I found an article about published in the June 9, 1967 issue of Time Magazine. (Despite the publication date, the article was clearly written beforeThe tone towards Israel was a lot more sympathetic … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 5 Comments


You can’t make this stuff up dept.: Okay, let’s be clear. When Israelis protested to the Turks that their portrayal of IDF soldiers as bloodthirsty murderers and rapists, the Turks said that it wasn’t meant to be harmful, and that … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, News Briefs, Religion, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Orwell, antisemitism and Egypt

Barry Rubin observes about antisemitism: Orwell noted that anti-Semitism had been driven underground by the war and that the authorities and media went out of their way to avoid offending Jews in order to establish their credentials as not being … Continue reading

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Scientology descendant

A Paris court convicted Scientology of fraud. The court convicted the Church of Scientology’s French office, its library and six of its leaders of organized fraud. Investigators said the group pressured members into paying large sums of money for questionable … Continue reading

Posted in scientology | 5 Comments


Hamas to Israel: Your refusal to release our murderers is causing us to keep Gilad Shalit hostage. You know, I pretty much don’t have to describe the article after that headline. Israel files complaint with UN; complaint goes into circular … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Queers for Palestine: They’re on the wrong side

So, let me get this straight—a gay Palestinian, who has been living in Israel with an Israeli partner for years, gets denied entry to Israel, can’t go back to his home town because he’s already been tortured by the Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Religion | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Ignoring a decade

Matthew Yglesias (via memeorandum): I was debating with Jon Chait at a J Street panel this morning on the subject of “what does it mean to be pro-Israel?” As expected, we disagreed on a number of points, most of which … Continue reading

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The PA’s torturers: Made in the U.K. (and USA?)

The proponents of peace have declared for years that if only the Palestinians had western-trained security forces, the terrorism would stop. But they didn’t seem to notice that their millions of dollars per year to fund the Palestinian police force … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Temple Mount clashes

In its report on the violence in Jerusalem, the Washington Post reports: Israeli police firing stun grenades faced off Sunday against masked Palestinian protesters hurling stones and plastic chairs outside the Holy Land’s most volatile shrine, where past violence has … Continue reading

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Wear the label proudly

David Bernstein offers some friendly advice to J-Street. I certainly agree with his advice. However, I disagree with one of his premises. Second, from approximately 1988 to Fall 2000, I held views on the Arab-Israeli conflict that would put me … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

The non-moderate Hamas: All of Jerusalem is Arab and Muslim

Jimmy Carter, the EU, and various American State Department officials (as well as presidential aides for the last two administrations) all insist that Hamas will moderate. That Hamas will work with Israel to reach some form of agreement. That the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Weymouth interviews Netanyahu

In the Washington Post the other day, Lally Weymouth interviewed Benjamin Netanyahu. The first page of the interview was on the subject of the Goldstone commission report. Netanyahu was emphatic. Q: What did you think of the Goldstone report? A: … Continue reading

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