Monthly Archives: January 2010

Still in with the old

Barry Rubin has read the new Fatah charter. The document was originally linked to at the Secrecy news blog. Secrecy News observes: But what is perhaps most significant is what is not in the document.  The original Fatah charter (or … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Sunday snowstorm briefs

Dude, where’s my bodyguards? The Hamasnik’s assassination is looking more and more awesome. Not only was the ex-terrorist (as in ex-parrot) one of the chief figures smuggling weapons from Iran to Gaza, but the intel on this operation was absolutely … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The Richmond Snowpocalypse

I survived the Richmond Snowpocalypse. But it sure had its moments. Sarah had a dog show today, and I volunteered to drive her and dog through the snow, what with my having a Jeep and her development not having snowplows … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Friday briefs

Awesome! The Mossad takes out a major Hamas murderer: Looks like the man who planned the kidnapping and murder of two IDF solders (among other murders) is now receiving his 72 raisins. His brother says he was electrocuted by someone … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Legal lightweight

Judge Richard Goldstone was greeted at Yale University with an article in the Yale Daily News written by Noah Pollak and Adam Yoffie that made short work of his commission’s report: Goldstone accepted a mandate from this council to investigate … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Germany vs. the denier

Barry Rubin on how the administration has mis-handled its policy towards Iran: First, the administration set a September deadline for instituting higher sanctions and then, instead of following a two-track strategy of engagement plus pressure, postponed doing anything while engaged … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged | 4 Comments

Thursday pre-snow snarks

Will it snow? Won’t it snow? I don’t know. They say so. (Let it snow. I have a Jeep, and I’m here to drive it.) Europeans are big fat liars: So, they say they’re cutting trade with Iran, and yet, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics, World | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Thursday pre-snow snarks

Breaking the Obama code

During tonight’s State of the Union address, I finally realized why Barack Obama’s speeches drive me crazy. It’s not what he says (although I disagree with, well, almost everything he says). It’s the way he says them. Tonight, he addressed … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The One | Tagged , | 18 Comments

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day…

A Jewish Prime Minister spoke at Auschwitz: “We will always remember what the Nazi Amalek did to us, and we won’t forget to be prepared for the new Amalek, who is making an appearance on the stage of history and … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | 1 Comment

54 representatives ask Israel to stop defending itself

Ha’aretz reports: Fifty-four members of the U.S. Congress have signed a letter asking President Barack Obama to put pressure on Israel to ease the siege of the Gaza Strip. The letter was the initiative of Representatives Jim McDermott from Washington … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 3 Comments

Extreme makeover – terrorist edition

In the past I’ve noted that Washington Post correspondent, Edward Cody is good at conveying sympathy for terrorist devils. He’s at it again with Carlos the Jackal, imprisoned for life, looks in lawsuit to protect his image (via memeorandum) But … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Tuesday night snarks

Because it’s such an easy language to learn: Arab members of the World Trade Organization want Arabic to be the fourth official language of the WTO. Because three aren’t enough official languages, I suppose. And Arabic is so easy, it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics, Politics, Religion | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Violence against women – Lancet style

I was looking through a chart of gender ratios. Worldwide, there are about 102 men for every 100 women, but in the Gulf States, that ratio is much higher. Bahrain – 135; Qatar – 307 ; United Arab Emirates – … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Saudi Arabia | Tagged | 5 Comments

Monday afternoon snarks

From each according to his ability, to each his paycheck: The percentage of collectivist kibbutzim left in Israel is now only 28%. Nearly three-quarters of them have turned capitalist. And that number will rise by the end of the year. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, News Briefs, Religion | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Profile of an international first responder

Israel’s recent aid to the earthquake ravaged country of Haiti has once again made people focus on Israel’s humanitarian missions. But Israel’s aid to Haiti isn’t an isolated incident it is part of ongoing series of humanitarian missions carried out … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 1 Comment