Monthly Archives: March 2010


Obama’s Syrian outreach is working just dandy: Since Obama has named an ambassador to Syria, the results are clear. Syria is now discussing “resistance” with Walid Jumblatt, the man who had to abase himself to his new Syrian overlord in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria, The One | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The post-partisan president slams Tea Party

So the post-partisan, post-racial president has chosen to take the fringes of the Tea Party movement and slam the entire Tea Party with them even while declaring that is not what he’s doing. The utter gall of the man simply … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, The One | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Baby Assad finds his real calling!

Well, mazel tov to Baby Assad, he is quite advanced in years to get somewhere, and finally he’s done it! Syria and Libya teamed up Sunday to pressure Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to quit peace talks with Israel and return … Continue reading

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Happy Passover

And in Hebrew, Chag Pesach Sameach! (Scheduling this post Sunday night, as I intend to be very busy Monday.) I plan on having a wonderful (but exhausting) day. Tomorow night we go to my synagogue for the second night seder, … Continue reading

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The Obama outreach dividends

Besides pressuring Israel into making more and more concessions without similar actions from the Palestinians, the Obama administration has appointed a new ambassador to Syria, given Syrian actions in Lebanon a complete pass (and in fact, accepted the de facto … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria, The One | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Passover prep

Really, there are only going to be seven people at my seder tomorrow, and I feel like I’ve prepared for, like, a hundred. And I’m not even halfway there! I can’t even think about what’s left to do. Yeesh. Main … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Life | 9 Comments

Toeing the Palestinian line

There are no “honest brokers” in Middle East peace. The UN is clearly on the side of the Palestinians. It’s not just Palestinian Solidarity Day (or whatever it’s called) held each year. It’s not just the UN bodies voting for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, United Nations | 7 Comments

The wrong Vulcan

Spock (to Stonn): “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.” From the Star Trek episode “Amok Time“ A number of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, The One | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Bibi’s options

Editor’s Note: Michael Lonie wrote this. It has been taken from the comments to give it broader exposure. In the movie “Luther” Frederick the Wise, Duke of Saxony (played superbly by Sir Peter Ustinov) tells his secretary, “Spalatin, there are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Why no Israeli ships are hijacked by pirates

It’s a simple equation. Israeli ships are defended by armed security crews. Pirates attack ship, security crews fire on pirates, pirates retreat. Pirates, apparently from Somalia, attempted to hijack a Zim “Africa Star” ship on Saturday near the Republic of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Our objective media at work

The Atlantic, which is actually a magazine (and website) that I admire, linked to my most recent post. But there’s a difference between their post title and what I actually titled my post. Funny. I titled the post “Obama’s full-court … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Obama’s full-court press on Israel

So, the man who proclaimed to AIPAC that he had a “strong commitment” to the “unbreakable bond” between Israel and the United States is leading a full-court press to force Israel to yield to The One’s indomitable will. Let us … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Netanyahu’s response

The New York Times reports about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to American demands. Mr. Netanyahu has brought up several possible gestures, including restrictions on Israeli troop activities in the West Bank, the freeing of Palestinian prisoners, some latitude for reconstruction … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, The One | Tagged | 4 Comments

Biden’s knee-slapper

Stand up comedian: Vice President Biden (h/t The Muqata last week): “I just got back from five days in the Middle East,” Biden said. “I love to travel, but it’s great to be back to a place where a boom … Continue reading

Posted in Bidenisms, Israel | Tagged | 8 Comments

“Ideological and vindictive”

via memeorandum Jackson Diehl, not someone I consider to be pro-Israel, nonetheless acknowledges what the administration is doing: U.S. pressure on Netanyahu will be needed if the peace process ever reaches the point where the genuinely contentious issues, like Palestinian … Continue reading

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