Monthly Archives: May 2010

US Opposes International Probe

While I have certainly been critical of the way that the Obama administration has dealt with Israel related issues in the past, I must say that the administration’s response to this crisis has been largely on the mark. If I’m … Continue reading

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Passion and instinct vs. reason and wisdom

I gotta say that “passion and instinct” should win every time. (Besides, “passion and instinct” always gets the girl.) I also think that the “reason and wisdom” is overrated. I mean in middle of battle Capt. Reason and Wisdom shouts, … Continue reading

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Tikkun and World Media

Shalom All, I find it simply outrageous that Tikkun and other peace organizations have the gall to call those bloodthirsty attempted murderers who launched into the Israeli soldiers with metal clubs and knives “peace activists.” They truly should be termed … Continue reading

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Summary of the Events on the Free Gaza Flotilla

Here’s the summary of the Flotilla situation that I have pieced together: Please watch the video of the soldiers being attacked IMMEDIATELY upon boarding Mavi Marmara by “non-violent” protesters. 1. The Free Gaza Movement organized the flotilla but did not … Continue reading

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Going for the day

I’m done for now. But Memeorandum has a great round-up of blog posts on the Gaza flotilla, and newest contributor Rabbi Kaufman will be posting.

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Close-ups of Gaza “activists” attacking IDF: No white flags in evidence

Watch this video and explain to me why the UN Security Council is going to meet to discuss this.

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Welcome a new contributor

Rabbi Kaufman will be posting on this blog from now on. He and I are on the same page politically when it comes to the issues I care most about, and he has generously offered to help me keep on … Continue reading

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More on the flotilla attack

On the day before the IDF boarded the ship, the “peace activists” on board the Marmara chanted the jihadi slogan to kill all Jews. “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!” Khaibar is the name of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Remembering the fallen

On Memorial Day, remember the men and women who died so this can fly freely:

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Flotilla news links the MSM won’t give you

Video of an IDF soldier being stabbed in the back by a “peace” activist. More video of the IDF being attacked by the “peaceful” protestors. Jameel is live-blogging. He reports word that there are Hamas terrorists hiding on the ship … Continue reading

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Israeli report on the flotilla attack

An Israeli reporter on the attack by the “activists” the AP probably won’t give you: Our Navy commandoes fell right into the hands of the Gaza mission members. A few minutes before the takeover attempt aboard the Marmara got underway, … Continue reading

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Behind the “peace” flotilla attack

The anti-Israel narrative is working furiously in the aftermath of the fight on the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara. Soldiers rappelling down were immediately beaten and attacked by the “peace protesters” (video at the link). “Activists” grabbed arms from the soldiers … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Israeli Navy boards Fool Flotilla

I’ll wait on confirmation before I buy these reports. Turkish media says that three are dead and fifty wounded, and that Israeli commandos came on board shooting. There is so far no other source, and as I’m off to bed, … Continue reading

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“Activists” attack IDF with knives, pipes

The “activists” on the Free Gaza flotilla were armed with knives, lead pipes, and wearing gas masks. There was an organized and planned action of attack against the soldiers by some of the activists, who were armed with knives, lead … Continue reading

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Annals of smart diplomacy – NPT edition

President Obama has done much to distance himself and his administration from the Bush administration. However In some ways he has persisted. And when he has chosen a different path, it hasn’t always been successful. President Obama summarizes his approach … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, The One | Tagged | 1 Comment