Monthly Archives: June 2010

Wednesday briefs are back (you know you missed them)

Awesome! Iran is giving itself a technolobotomy! Mad Mahmoud signed a new Iranian law that will boycott companies that it determines are “Zionist.” Included in that category: Intel and IBM. (The fact that many of their products are not allowed … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Australia becomes more pro-Israel, the rest of the world, not so much

Meryl and others have written about the attack on Australia’s new Prime Minister for being insufficiently anti-Israel. On Monday she was caught in her first political storm as prime minister following a letter written by Ross Burns, who served as … Continue reading

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Cohen on Gaza, Hamas: not bad

I can’t agree with everything Richard Cohen writes in Hamas is a threat to the Palestinian cause, but he makes several good points, including his (imperfect) conclusion: The irony is that Israel is often called a colonialist power. In some … Continue reading

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Russian spies used forged passports

I fully await the world outcry and the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Canada and any other nation that suffered from the use of forged and stolen passports—just like the world has done in the Dubai hit case. Criminal complaints … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

Politician attacked for not being appropriately anti-Israel

A recently upgraded politician, who is now the leader of the party (and of the nation) is being attacked by a former diplomat for being too pro-Israel. The charges: The politician’s partner was hired by a pro-Israel Jew (reprsented in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

Seriously? The “five pillars” of Obamanomics? Seriously?

Via Hot Air, we have this quote by Rahm Emanuel: “I think we used this week or so not only for a reassertion of executive authority, but as an demonstration that, when presidential power is judiciously applied, you can get … Continue reading

Posted in The One | Tagged | 3 Comments

How much will Israel be an issue in November?

Three months ago Daled Amos asked if Israel would be a major campaign issue in 2010 and presented polling data to show the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Yesterday Meryl picked up on a story that Israeli Ambassador MIchael Oren … Continue reading

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Friedman’s just another word for nothing left to lose

Clearly Friedman doesn’t understand history. It’s even clearer that he hasn’t learned from it either.

… why not be wrong about the Middle East too? He’s got no credibility left to lose. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 6 Comments

The “tectonic shift” in U.S.-Israel relations

Politico and Ha’aretz are reporting that Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren is saying that President Obama’s policies on Israel are a “tectonic shift” in U.S.-Israel relations. (Laura Rozen mentions Yedioth Ahronoth as the source, but I can’t find a Ynet link.) … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, The One | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Saturday morning paranoia

This is hilarious. MANAMA: Israel is massing warplanes in the Caucasus for an attack on Iran, it was revealed yesterday. Preparations are underway to launch the military attack from Azerbaijan and Georgia, reports our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej, quoting … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged , | 4 Comments

I want to be banned in Pakistan

And here’s how. Mohammed was not a prophet. Neither was Jesus. There. Ban me in Pakistan. Pakistan will monitor seven major websites, including Google and Yahoo, to block anti-Islamic links and content, an official said Friday. Seventeen lesser-known sites are … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 4 Comments

Around the world in Israel news

Down with Turkey, up with Cyprus: Cyprus is quickly becoming Israel’s new BFF, with Bulgaria ready to make it a threesome. Israeli tourists will be spending their dollars elsewhere, something that Erdogan probably really doesn’t like, but that he can’t … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Common sense has “largely eluded” the international community

In typical newspaper-ese, Janine Zacharia reports in the Washington Post: Israel has sought to isolate Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and has urged allies to do the same. But how to deal with Hamas as a political reality has … Continue reading

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The wages of demagoguery

The Turkish Demagogue-in-chief’s anti-Semitism was planted, and now it’s bearing fruit. Turkish police have arrested a young man on suspicion of planning to murder rabbis in Istanbul, Turkish daily Milliyet reported Friday. According to the report, the man has already … Continue reading

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Iranian “aid” flotilla is off

So I guess it was yet another Iranian PR stunt, as the Iranian “aid” ships have been called off due to Israeli threats. Yes, really. The secretary general of an Iranian organization supporting Palestinians, Hussein Sheikh el-Islam, said during a … Continue reading

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